Change app name

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Change app name

Post by Luna429 »

Good morning everyone

how about changing the name of the DVDpedia app? Sounds a bit outdated and restrictive. Today, there are many types of media for watching video content. Not just DVDs.

What do you think of MOVIEpedia or VIDEOpedia?

P.S. same for CDpedia.
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Re: Change app name

Post by FineWine »

Welcome to these wonderful forums on the Pedia's.

This has been discussed previously but it was some time ago.

The majority would probably agree with you. In my own case I have a relatively small DVD collection (565) but my Hard Drive downloaded collection is slowing catching up to this. (61 & 8 complete series).

In New Zealand and Australia the 'bricks & mortar' (rental & retail) have all but gone. JB HiFi being the only store where you can buy now and their collections are shrinking.

In NZ there is approximately 26 legal streaming services. If you subscribe to a VPN service then there is virtually no limit to that number. And of course there are the illegal download sites (India being the most prolific at the moment but quality does vary) and their are some superb DVD/Blue-Ray/4k quality Torrent sites.

However you acquire and store your visual entertainment has also been discussed in these forums. Along with a name change to DVDpedia you would also have to change the logo. Perhaps a movie camera, TV screen, a projector etc all not very original.

What are members views on this. Feed back appreciated. :idea: :D
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Re: Change app name

Post by DanThe »

As FineWine points out, the name change has been discussed before. I had an email conversation with Conor about this when I started using the Bruji apps. Let look at each of these apps while focusing on the name and icon.

  • The name obviously can stay the same.
  • The icon could stay the same with maybe updating it to the new style that was introduced in macOS Big Sur.
  • This could be renamed to Musicpedia.
  • The icon could stay the same with maybe updating it to the new style that was introduces in macOS Big Sur.
  • I like the name Videopedia suggested by Luna429 rather than Moviepedia. Videopedia is more general to include types like movies, TV shows, documentaries and more.
  • For the icon, I like FineWine's suggestion of a movie camera.
  • The name here too obviously can stay the same.
  • The icon can also stay the same with maybe updating it to the new style that was introduced in macOS Big Sur.
I hope that the above can generate more discussions regarding this topic. :)
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