Incorrect Cover Art

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Bruji Friend
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Incorrect Cover Art

Post by DVDcollector »

In attempting to correct the problem I was experiencing in the thread I created called "Trouble Adding Titles", I recently completed the addition of around 60 DVDs to DVDpedia. Tonight I realized that the DVD cover that correlates to each of these newly entered titles is incorrect. Specifically, it is the artwork that should appear with the title that was entered AFTER the title in question.

If I resort the list to appear in alpha order, the cover is incorrect. It is when the list is sorted by Date Added that is is clear that the DVD art that shows up for each title is the correct art for the title ABOVE (in list view).

Can you think of a solution to fix this? If I could reassign or update the art by dragging it from one listing to another I could quickly fix this issue.
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Re: Incorrect Cover Art

Post by Conor »

Could you please send us your database file if you don't mind. I would like to be able to repeat the issue here so that I can get it fixed as I can't think of a reason why this would be happening that it would tag the movies incorrectly as the previous movie.

You will find the database in your data folder located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd. Under Lion you must use the Finder menu "Go -> Go To..." command and enter "~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia" to open the folder. Once there select the Database.dvdpd and use the "Compress" command under the main "File" menu. This will create a .zip version that you can then attach to an email message.

Also maybe include four of the covers in question from under the "Covers" folder in the same data folder so that I can compare to the downloaded covers I would get from Doghouse when trying it here.

The titles were added via the "Add Multiple", the "Update from..." or the "Download cover from...". Do please let me know any relevant details that will help me reproduce it.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: Incorrect Cover Art

Post by DVDcollector »

Hello Conor,

I just sent you the compressed library to the support email address. Thanks.
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