Importing a CSV text file

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Importing a CSV text file

Post by jed »

I just purchased DVDpedia and it's great.
I have a LARGE movie database (6,000+) of films I've seen/want to see/own...
The database program I am using can only export CSV/Tab delimited files.
1. When I import to DVDpedia, I get errors. Most common is Quotes (") are included in the importing. Even when I manually associate fields. Are there any other tricks?
2. I CAN'T SEEM TO HAVE "Original Title" INCLUDED WITH NEW ADDITIONS. THIS IS CRITICAL FOR FOREIGN FILMS--MOST OF MY FILMS. IMDB Has them...Your literature speaks of this but I can't get it to work

Mac OSX 10.411/iPhone3G
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Re: Importing a CSV text file

Post by jed »

When I import the CSV file into EXCEL everything is fine.

Thanks, Jed
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Re: Importing a CSV text file

Post by Nora »

After you import the file into Excel, export it from there as a tab delimited file that should not include the quotes and then import that file into DVDpedia.

The original title information only gets imported from a few of the plug-in sites. If you're referring to IMDb, we don't fill in the original title information there because their original title listings are the other way around, i.e. IMDb lists the German movie "Lola rennt" under its German title and its English title "Run Lola Run" further down under 'Also known as'. So even if you search the entry with its English title, there is no 'Original Title' information because it's the actual title of the movie. Unfortunately it's complicated for a computer to distinguish between the two and pick the right language for your location.
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Re: Importing a CSV text file

Post by jed »

Thank you for the info...
So if I add "Lola rennt" then I won't be able to search or sort by "Run Lola Run"?
I guess I meant "Also known as" and not Original Title.

Thanks, Jed
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Re: Importing a CSV text file

Post by Nora »

You would have to add 'Run Lola Run' manually into the original title field (or switch it for the actual title and enter that into 'Original Title').
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