CDPedia and iTunes Blue Note

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CDPedia and iTunes Blue Note

Post by himlao808 »


Sorry for a simple question, but I cannot figure out how to use the following feature of CDPedia... From the product page: "If you already have a CD or songs from that CD in iTunes, CDpedia will mark them with a little blue note."

I have a large collection of cds that I've been importing into iTunes over time, but I can't always remember which ones I've imported and which ones I haven't. I bought CDPedia hoping to alleviate this problem, but there must be something simple that i'm missing because I don't see any blue notes by any of the cds I've entered using CDPedia that I know are in iTunes...

Could someone please point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!
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Re: CDPedia and iTunes Blue Note

Post by Conor »

The note appears in the add-edit panel under the tracks tab for each track, also in the status column on the main table (double note for a full album, single note means only some tracks are in iTunes). Could be that CDpedia has not imported the iTunes information yet, in order to do the matching; to import the latest iTunes information manually go to the Help menu and choose "Refresh iTunes Tracks".
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Re: CDPedia and iTunes Blue Note

Post by himlao808 »

Ahhhh, I see now! Yes, manually refreshing iTunes tracks seems to be doing the trick. iTunes library is quite large, over 120k tracks, so I wonder when does CDPedia automatically grab it's info from iTunes? Or is it only a manual thing? Anyhow, thanks for the ultra-quick response! I purchased the Pedia bundle and am really enjoying your programs. Thanks lots.
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Re: CDPedia and iTunes Blue Note

Post by Conor »

CDpedia will automatically update the information weekly if the preference is checked under the generals preferences tab (it's a preference so that users with large database such as yours that did not want to spend time gathering that information can keep it off).
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