DVD Database Import

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DVD Database Import

Post by stevesol »

I have been using a program called DVD Database X and would be interested in switching to DVDpedia. Is there a way to import the DVD Database file? I see that you support imports from multiple programs but did not see an import for this program.
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Re: DVD Database Import

Post by Nora »

There is no direct import from DVD Database X in DVDpedia but you can do a text file export and then import that file into DVDpedia. However before you import the file, open it and look for <DVD Database X Key> on the first line. Delete that part, including the tab that follows it, so that 'Title' is the first header of that first line of your exported file.

As for the cover images, I saw that DVD Database X lets you export the image URL along with the rest of the data but you have to include the actual path for DVDpedia to find the images. That should look something like this: /Users/[name]/Applications/DVD Database X/DVD data/images/

You'll find the cover images at the end of each entry in the export, they'll end in .jpg, so just add your variation of the file path above to get it to look something like this:
/Users/[name]/Applications/DVD Database X/DVD data/images/King Kong_3.jpg

So you don't have to go looking for the images by hand in your text file, you can use a good text editor like TextWrangler or BBEdit and do a find for the following: (make sure you have Grep use turned on)


this means 'find everything that's not a tab next to a return'.

Then replace it with:

/Users/Steve/Applications/DVD Database X/DVD data/images/\1

That'll add the path to all the image URLs so you can import them into DVDpedia along with your other data.

(Having said all that - the covers in DVD Database X don't seem to be great quality so including them in the import might not be worth the hassle. You could download the covers after importing the data into DVDpedia via the 'import cover images' function found under the Advanced menu.)

After that, save the file, import it into DVDpedia via the import function and map the fields to the corresponding ones in DVDpedia (most of them should be done for you automatically).

By default all imports are placed into a library-independent collection first (marked with a grey collection icon) so you can make sure that everything went well. To make the import part of your Library, select the collection and choose 'Include collection in Library' from the File menu. After that you can delete the imported collection if you like.
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Re: DVD Database Import

Post by stevesol »

Thanks for all the incredibly useful information!
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