I want to print my movie collection to a pdf file to share it with my friends. Anything that can be printed can be printed to a pdf file. The advantage with pdf is that it is searchable. If I could make one page for each entry, I had a fully searchable database that I easily could share with others.
The problem is: how can I print pages separated with one entry per page? I can make an HTML template with one entry per page, but I cannot print more than one page from my web browser. And if I make one long list, with all entries on the same page, it would be impossible to cut or separate these correctly when printing.
Printing to PDF
Go with the second option of creating one long list and at the end of each entry in your template include the CSS page-break:always to force a printed page for each entry.
Don't get fancy with avoid and other properties as they are not supported by Safari.
Code: Select all
<div style="page-break-after:always"></div>
Be sure to scale the images using DVDpedia to the set size of your template. DVDpedia is much better at scaling than the web browser. You can set these values directly in your template with:
Here is more information.
Code: Select all
<meta name="image-export" content="yes" /> <!-- Export images always -->
<meta name="image-width" content="200" /> <!-- I made these up -->
<meta name="image-height" content="260" />
<meta name="image-compression" content="1.0" /> <!-- No compression -->