No CD track listings in Pocketpedia: bug or missing feature?

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No CD track listings in Pocketpedia: bug or missing feature?

Post by moncef »

Hello. I use CDPedia to keep track of CD compilations that I have burned myself. They contain tracks that I have purchased online or from my personal record collection. Before Pocketpedia was released, I would export my library in HTML format via CDPedia and then upload those HTML files to my web server. Then when I'm DJ'ing in a club, I can look up the CD track listings on my iPhone via mobile Safari.

When I saw Pocketpedia, I figured the end result would be the same, but it would be faster and easier to get there. Syncing was indeed very easy and fast, but boy was I disappointed when I could not see any track listings for the CDs in my collections. Am I not looking in the right place or is there indeed no way to view the tracks? Without the tracks, Pocketpedia is useless to me.

Please add tracks to Pocketpedia or show me how I can view them if I have missed something.

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Re: No CD track listings in Pocketpedia: bug or missing feature?

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. The tracks will be included in the next version or download the beta.
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Re: No CD track listings in Pocketpedia: bug or missing feature?

Post by moncef »

thank you very much for the quick update! I tried the new beta and it works!
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