Searching with UPC?

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Searching with UPC?

Post by DreamStatic »

I recently got me a barcode scanner and have been attempting to search using this method. However, out of 20 DVDs only 1 found a result from Amazon US or Is this normal? I can manually type the UPC and get the same results, none. Is there somewhere that has a better success rate with DVD searching by barcode or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the info.

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Re: Searching with UPC?

Post by Nora »

IMDb unfortunately doesn't support search by UPC so you'll have to stick to Amazon for the initial search. (You can then do an advanced search on IMDb.) Could you give me a few examples of the UPCs, along with the movie titles, that didn't work on Amazon?
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Re: Searching with UPC?

Post by DreamStatic »

Thanks for the assistance Nora. It could just be Amazon is not recognizing UPCs as much nowadays. Because I can go directly to amazon and search for the UPC and it will not find anything either. Here a few examples of ones that did work and ones that didn't:
  • Ones that do work:
    Premonition: 043396183742 directly on, but not thru DVDpedia.
    Stargate SG-1 Season 3 Boxset: 027616887016 directly on, but not thru DVDpedia.
    Nightmare on Elm Street: 794043104190 both and DVDpedia.

    Ones that do not work in either or DVDpedia:
    Meet the Spartans: 024543519126 50
    The Eye: 031398240631 00
Let me know if you need more examples. Could be more Amazon, than DVDpedia. And I very well can't ask you to fix that. :)

But the more I look at the examples the more I think it may have to do with the UPC then space more numbers situation. However, I did try to erase the space and two numbers and it still didn't work. LOL :) And the ones that work in DVDpedia do not start with a zero. Just guessing here. :lol:

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Re: Searching with UPC?

Post by Nora »

Thanks for the examples. I couldn't get 'Premonition' on either Amazon or DVDpedia with that UPC but 'Stargate' worked for me ... 'Meet the Spartans' and 'The Eye' both have a different UPC on Amazon than the one you have although the numbers match almost. Maybe you just have a different copy that Amazon for some reason doesn't carry? We'll keep playing around with this, see if we can find a solution but for now I guess you'll have to stick to the keyword search on those entries.
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Re: Searching with UPC?

Post by DreamStatic »

Thanks Nora, that is what I figured it was - more of an Amazon issue than DVDpedia. Just making sure there wasn't anything more I could do to help the searches.

BTW, where did you see the UPC on I wasn't able to find this on all of them. Thanks as always. :)
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Re: Searching with UPC?

Post by Nora »

I used Amazon US for the search.
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