Matt? or "Thanks, can you help me tweak your javascript?"

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Matt? or "Thanks, can you help me tweak your javascript?"

Post by sitenoise »

First of all I'd like to thank Matt for contributing his award winning dvdpedia Info View template. Nice design and functionality. But there is one thing i wish I could change, so if Matt is around and wouldn't mind, or if someone else with javascript chops would like to help ....

This concerns the behavior of the 3 boxes on the right (after <!-- BEGIN RIGHT COLUMN -->)

Presently, with the Info view window open, upon each choosing of an entry, box A opens. It does a "show" in the show/hide dance.

What I would like to change is ... if I have box B open and then click on a new dvdpedia entry, I wish it would remain showing me box B instead of closing box B and opening box A.

Here is the relevant code (as far as i know):

Head Tag:

Code: Select all

		function HideContent(a) {
		document.getElementById(a).style.display = "none";
		function ShowContent(d) {
		document.getElementById(d).style.display = "";
		function ReverseContentDisplay(a , b , c ) {
		if(document.getElementById(a).style.display == "none") { 
		document.getElementById(a).style.display = "";
			{ document.getElementById(a).style.display = "none"; }
			document.getElementById(b).style.display = "none";
			document.getElementById(c).style.display = "none";
Preceding Box A

Code: Select all

<div class="columnRight" name="Film Details">
	<div class="singleCol"><span class="title">Film Details </span><span class="text rightAlign"><a href="javascript:ReverseContentDisplay('A', 'B', 'C')">Show/Hide</a></span></div>
	<div class="singleBox overflow" id="A" style="display:;">
Preceding box B

Code: Select all

<div class="columnRight" name="Product Details">
	<div class="singleCol"><span class="title">Product Information </span><span class="text rightAlign"><a href="javascript:ReverseContentDisplay('B', 'A', 'C')">Show/Hide</a></span></div>
	<div class="singleBox overflow" id="B" style="display:none;">
Preceding Box C

Code: Select all

<div class="singleCol"><span class="title">Similar Products </span><span class="text rightAlign"><a href="javascript:ReverseContentDisplay('C', 'A', 'B')">Show/Hide</a></span></div>
	<div class="singleBox overflow" id="C" style="display:none;">
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Re: Matt? or "Thanks, can you help me tweak your javascript?"

Post by Conor »

This one is a tough one as it would require cookies between session so that the javascript could know what was the last open pane. Give the following code a try, replace the current javascript code with the one below, I added code from this site:

Code: Select all

		function createCookie(name,value,days) {
			if (days) {
				var date = new Date();
				var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
			else var expires = "";
			document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
		function readCookie(name) {
			var nameEQ = name + "=";
			var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
			for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
				var c = ca[i];
				while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
				if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
			return null;
		function HideContent(a) {
			document.getElementById(a).style.display = "none";
		function ShowContent(d) {
			document.getElementById(d).style.display = "";
		function ReverseContentDisplay(a , b , c ) {
			if (a.length > 1)
			if(document.getElementById(a).style.display == "none") { 
				document.getElementById(a).style.display = "";
			else  { 
				if (a.length > 1)
			document.getElementById(a).style.display = "none"; }
			document.getElementById(b).style.display = "none";
			document.getElementById(c).style.display = "none";
		function checkLastDisplayed() {
			var bottom = readCookie('infoViewMattDisplayedBottom');
			if (bottom)
			var left = readCookie('infoViewMattDisplayedRight');
			if (left) {
		window.onload = checkLastDisplayed;
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Re: Matt? or "Thanks, can you help me tweak your javascript?"

Post by sitenoise »

Spectacular! Thank you Conor.
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