I absolutely love this product as it gives me much more flexibility in how I can keep track of information in my collection and I recently decided to switch my collection over from Delicious Library. So I've completely imported my collection over into Gamepedia with no problems.
The only thing I can't seem to figure out is if Gamepedia can auto-resize the artwork for my games so that everything on the same platform is the same size. It drives me nuts to see all kinds of different sized artwork for the same console when I view the full screen mode. I know this was resized in Delicious depending on what you entered into the "Format" so I was wondering if there was something similar in Gamepedia.
It would actually be nice if I could set the parameters for the artwork sizes based on an input field as just basing size off of something like "Playstation" for example is not 100% correct because there were 3 different size cases for that system.
Hopefully, I'm just missing how Gamepedia handles this, but if not I'd definitely like to see some sort of unified artwork sizing implemented in the future.
Thanks for the great product and I look forward to reading your reply.