I think mentioning me as a developer of the plug-in is kind of too much. I only wrote a small part of the code. It would be more correct to say something like "with contribution of" or alike. When you are revisiting the page next time, and you are in a good mood for few more keystrokes, I would feel more comfortable when you change that.
Thanks for links. I have already bookmarked them all.
Too many projects for the start could be overwhelming, so I can't promise I will join barcode scanner project right away. I have already noticed the barcode scanning does not really work for my built-in iSight cameras (niether on MacBook Pro nor on iMac). But at some time I promise to have a look, because from the top of my head I think the solution should come more from clever binarization than from barcode reading algorithm by itself.
Actually getting used to Cocoa and Mac development is a lot of work. Being in the industry for about 15 years, I am a real Mac user starting from January. I used to work on Mac Classic II for some while, I had a chance to play with Next boxes when they just appeared, but only now I get the real feeliing of what Mac is. And I have to fight through the totally Microsoft-based environment in the office (while I am co-sharing my main responsibilities with a CIO position, that does not help a lot). So I have enough trill for the few coming months.
Another challange for me is to make use of Russian State Library's catalogue for my copy of BookPedia. My daughter has already managed to enter all the English-language books we have, but the dozens time more of Russian books are still waiting on shelves to be catalogued. BTW, is it possible to make a plug-in for BookPedia the same way as for CDPedia? If not, then putting everything into XML and then importing will be the only choice. Also, for BookPedia plugin I would prefer using Perl, to simplify searching through HTML pages. What about Perl scripts in Cocoa app?