Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

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Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by Kernos »

I am having 2 problems with Bookpedia 5.6.3

1. Amazon (.com, ,ca or search using iSight scan or manually putting in the Title or ISBN produces no results. I only get results from Doghouse. This was also a problem with 5.6

2. I get a consistent crash when trying to scan barcodes with iSight since updating to 5.6.1.

Crash report:

Process: Bookpedia [1999]
Path: /Applications/
Identifier: com.bruji.bookpedia
Version: 5.6.1 (81)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: Bookpedia [1999]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2019-01-05 10:18:14.750 -0600
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.14.2 (18C54)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 795BA829-57E7-52A1-CA35-A3CEBAA02150

Sleep/Wake UUID: 14EF0CF9-1477-46D0-9824-9E990FE4A8D2

Time Awake Since Boot: 540000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 180 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000028

Termination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [1999]

VM Regions Near 0x28:
__TEXT 0000000102ddf000-0000000102e98000 [ 740K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff72067d5c objc_release + 28
1 0x00007fff48947da2 IOCFUnserializeBinary + 1955
2 0x00007fff48947301 IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty + 295
3 com.bruji.pediabase 0x00000001030243e0 -[MyRemoteControl _updateSessionInformation] + 72
4 com.bruji.pediabase 0x0000000103024682 -[MyRemoteControl _secureInputNotificationFor:messageType:messageArgument:] + 67
5 com.bruji.pediabase 0x0000000103021264 SecureInputNotificationCallback + 59
6 0x00007fff4894b8ad IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 323
7 0x00007fff45f1daef __CFMachPortPerform + 282
9 0x00007fff45f1d927 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 527
10 0x00007fff45f059a9 __CFRunLoopRun + 2574
11 0x00007fff45f04d48 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 463
12 0x00007fff4519bab5 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 293
13 0x00007fff4519b7eb ReceiveNextEventCommon + 618
14 0x00007fff4519b568 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
15 0x00007fff43456363 _DPSNextEvent + 997
16 0x00007fff43455102 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1362
17 0x00007fff4344f165 -[NSApplication run] + 699
18 0x00007fff4343e8a3 NSApplicationMain + 780
19 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff73142ed9 start + 1

I have the full report if needed
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Re: Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by FineWine »

Kernos wrote:I am having 2 problems with Bookpedia 5.6.3

1. Amazon (.com, ,ca or search using iSight scan or manually putting in the Title or ISBN produces no results. I only get results from Doghouse. This was also a problem with 5.6

2. I get a consistent crash when trying to scan barcodes with iSight since updating to 5.6.1.
Conor has been furiously working on all the pedia's, including Pocketpedia, for months now optimising them for macOS 10.14 and iOS 12. This has been a slow process due to the many changes, most forced by Apple, in these OS's. Also introducing requested improvements and changes.

Quite a few us in the Bruji pedia community have been beta testing all the products. Search these Forums for all the feed back we have given and you will find that your problems have been mentioned AND they have been rectified in the Beta's.

Please do give the Beta's ago, they are 99% stable apart from some esoteric problems. More testers & feedback the better. You can find the Beta's here.

Hopefully Conor will be able to release Pedia's 6, Pocketpedia 4 & TVpedia 2 very shortly. But please remember he is a one man band with a very young family to support and raise as well. :D

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Re: Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by Conor »

Thank you FineWine for letting him know about the beta and the kind words. Indeed it should be fixed in the beta version.

I do apologize for the delay in getting version 6 out the door. I am a few months behind schedule, but I am finally getting there with only 5 big more items to close on my todo list (including upgrading Doghouse, to include more barcode hits) and then clear the email inbox of any other minor issues.
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Re: Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by Kernos »

I have been using the Bookpedia beta. The iSight seems to be working fine. But I still cannot data from Amazon on books. I can get Amazon data with DVDpedia in the beta and prior release.
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Re: Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by FineWine »

Amazon have been playing hard ball with individuals and 3rd party developers who wish to use their search services - it is all about the money to them. 18 months ago we all had to have a personal Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID, Secret Key and an Access Key if we wanted to access Amazon via the pedia's and last year a lot of us experienced problems. If you do a forum search on the word Amazon it returns 1940 matches.

Have you read of the pedia help file: Searching Amazon for information

But Conor has come up with a work around and built into the pedia's a dedicated Bruji pedia Amazon Web Services (AWS) Associate ID. To enable this "hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select "Amazon Test" so that a check mark appears. You should then have access to Amazon search.

Two other things to check.
  • 1 - Bookpedia > Preferences > Sites
    - ensure there are ticks against each of the Amazons you wish to search
    - you can change the order of site searches by clicking on each row and dragging them up or down
  • 2 - In the 'Add' a new title panel the panels Title bar should read either 'Search All' as the default setting or an individual site name. ENSURE you do not have this set on a non Amazon site. You can change this to narrow the search to just one individual search site, e.g. Amazon US etc.
    • - click on the magnifying search glass and a drop down menu will appear
      - select 'All' or just the individual site you wish to use
I know that you may already have the above knowledge and this post may sound a bit 'Sesame Street' but it never hurts sometimes to state or repeat the obvious. :)

PS: Conor has today just released Bookpedia beta 110. Do please try it. Since you are already now on the beta program Bookpedia should self update when you launch it again or use Bookpedia -> Check for Updates.
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Re: Two new problems with Bookpedia 5.6.1

Post by Kernos »

Thank you Finewine!

I enabled Amazon Test and tried re-entering some books. It works! That's a big help.
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