More complex boolean logic needed for Smart Collections
More complex boolean logic needed for Smart Collections
In iTunes, for example, you can do things like (all of: Kind is Music, (any of: genre is "Rock", genre is "Metal")). Note the grouped or condition ("any of"). You can of course have multiple such groups in a single Smart Collection definition. You cannot do this in the pedias, which is severely limiting. In DVDpedia, for example, I wanted to specify this condition: (any of: Tags Contains "DMA", (all of: Tags Contains "iTunes", Tags Contains "UV")).
Last edited by randian on Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: More complex boolean logic needed for Smart Collections
Indeed nested grouping is something that needs to be done for the smart collections. In the meantime you can create several smart collections to achieve the same result.
Each smart collection acts as a single grouping and the next smart collection is based on the previous smart collection.
First smart collection rule: Tags contain "iTunes", Tags contains "UV", all -> Collection Named: "iTunes-UV"
Second smart collection rule: Collection name is "iTunes-UV", Tags contains "DMA", any.
Should you have many groupings you can drop all the intermediate smart collections into a folder to not see them as much on your collection list.
P.S. I know that "Collection name" is hard to find, and want to actually rename it something more like "Album is in collection". But then it does not go as well with the grammar of the is/is not switch.
Thank you for the feedback that expanded logic would be extremely useful to you in the Pedias.
Each smart collection acts as a single grouping and the next smart collection is based on the previous smart collection.
First smart collection rule: Tags contain "iTunes", Tags contains "UV", all -> Collection Named: "iTunes-UV"
Second smart collection rule: Collection name is "iTunes-UV", Tags contains "DMA", any.
Should you have many groupings you can drop all the intermediate smart collections into a folder to not see them as much on your collection list.
P.S. I know that "Collection name" is hard to find, and want to actually rename it something more like "Album is in collection". But then it does not go as well with the grammar of the is/is not switch.
Thank you for the feedback that expanded logic would be extremely useful to you in the Pedias.
Re: More complex boolean logic needed for Smart Collections
I feel like I might have requested that once, too. Does not matter if I actually did, I support this.