DVDPedia crashes when syncing

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DVDPedia crashes when syncing

Post by hswt86 »

I just installed the latest update for DVDPedia and now whenever I try to sync with my iPad the Mac app crashes when it reaches the "merging data" stage. When I reopen the program I have duplicate versions of the first 10 entries.
I have the crash report if that would help. I tried to include it but couldn't find a way to include it as an attachment. I tried to just paste it into here but it made the message have too many characters.

PS: After posting the above I decided to try deleting the update and rescuing the deleted older version from the trash. Unfortunately that made things more confusing. The sync did not crash the Mac app but I still got duplicates of the 10 most recent entries. Worse, the same 10 dups showed up on my iPad. I deleted the dups from both iPad and Mac and tried to sync. The sync still didn't crash the Mac app but I got a message saying I had deleted 1 record and did I want to sync the deletion. Since I had deleted 10 duplicates this really confused me so I clicked ignore. This resulted in all 10 duplicate records showing up on both devices again. I deleted the dups again from both devices and tried the sync and got a message saying I had deleted 6 records and, even though again I had deleted 10, I clicked OK to see what would happen. This completely deleted six records from my Mac app but added the 10 dups to my iPad. I again deleted the dups from my iPad and the sync proceeded with no messages or crashes but the deleted records on my Mac were not added from the iPad. At this point I decided I had better stop as things were just getting worse. Fortunately I did make a zip archive backup so I can restore everything once this gets figured out.

PSS: I did try one more thing I restored the Mac database from the zip file (still using the older version of the program) which worked except the six deleted files mentioned above had no artwork. I added artwork and tried a sync with my iPhone (which I had not yet synced with the updated version of DVDpedia) and that worked without any problems.
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Re: DVDPedia crashes when syncing

Post by Conor »

Thank you for all the details and debugging steps you tried. Please do send us the crash log, you will find our email on the support page. Do try the beta version of DVDpedia as well as I have made some changes.

If you run into a conflict, it's best to always treat the Mac as the master database change the records there and then delete the DVDpedia information from the iPad and re-sync from the Mac so that DVDpedia does not try to do a backwards sync of the data on the iPad. You can swipe "DVDpedia" on the collection list to remove the entire collection.
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