I just discovered DVDpedia more or less by accident, but I'm quite amazed about it since it has so many really nice working features (automatic search!!) that it nearly is capable to be a successor for our completely manually managed Apple Works DVD-Database. I'm a little sad that you did not continue support for PPC Architecture since version 5.0; I think you should add that to the system requirements on the application's website (10.5 also runs on G5 machines).
One little thing I noticed while exploring the program and the forums: You've been quite busy to add new custom fields and make them even more customizable (different types, free names). For my special case, I'd still like to have one more checkbox available. Saying this I think I'm not the only one with such wishes so you should directly add at least 10 custom fields of each type. Well, you'll agree that this won't be a very nice solution, so my request is simply: Let the user add as many custom fields in any type they would like to create them and don't create unused custom fields by default, just a little buttom à la "create custom field" and that's it. Are there serious technical problems with this? I hope not and it will be there in a not-too-far future update.

Again thanks for your great software!