RFT-Export and German Umlaute

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Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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RFT-Export and German Umlaute

Post by Ben »


I have some problems with the rtf-export. They don't show German Umlaute in a correct way.

If I use your Small List-export, everything is okay:

<!--BeginRepeat-->[key:title] by [key:director]
[key:genre] [key:studio] [key:rated]
Theatrical Release: [key:theatrical] DVD Release: [key:releaseDate]

Result e.g.: 3 Engel für Charlie or 7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald

If I amend this export a bit, so it looks like this:
<!--BeginRepeat-->[key:title] [key:studio]
Datum: [key:dateAdded]
Genre: [key:genre]

Then I get results like this: 3 Engel fŸr Charlie or 7 Zwerge - MŠnner allein im Wald

Do you know where this comes from ?

Thanks a lot for your help and best wishes

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Re: RFT-Export and German Umlaute

Post by Nora »

There's a problem with the SmallList.rtf file where the charset gets changed during export and the new setting displays characters wrong. (It's on our bug report list already; we'll try and tackle that for the next update.)

To fix the problem for now, open your MySmallList template with a good text editor or if you're using TextEdit make sure you open the file with the 'Open' command and choose 'Ignore rich text format'. Then look in the header of the template for "fcharset0" and change that to "fcharset77". Save the template and the export should work fine for all characters.
Bruji Friend
Bruji Friend
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Re: RFT-Export and German Umlaute

Post by Ben »

Dear Nora,

thank you so much for your very fast help.
I amended the header and everything is okay now :D

Best wishes

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