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MySQL Export

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:34 pm
by jt_sea
Would LOVE to see this feature included. It would be really nice if during export it also included the cover art file name generated during export.

I've been using the template option to get my collection online but it's rather cumbersome and I have to re-export everything once I get new titles added. I'd really just like to be able to add my new titles to my MySQL db and handle the rest with PHP. That way I could have sections by genre, search feature and really the sky's the limit.

Is this doable??


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:14 pm
by Conor
A user built such a template but I only got to see the final website in action. He did not want to provide the template for other users, he felt it was in a rough condition. In theory it's not hard to code, using SQL import statements and the tags available for export. As for the cover images you could use the "CoverImage" tag that provides the relative url to the image or "IncrementalNumber" that corresponds to the DVD number. For example DVD "5" cover image would be 5.jpg However this is not less work then a regular HTML export. It would be more work to write the PHP and the SQL template. You would still have to use PHPMyAdmin or other methods to import the SQL in, as well as uploading the cover images. The advantage you get is the flexibility of search, sorting and filtering.

I like this

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:00 am
by kuzelnik
I also like this idea and even began trying to implement it, but got busy with other projects. Ideally, you could enter your MySQL login/password in the preferences and then DVDpedia would connect and upload data into your existing table. The PHP templates wouldn't change at all whenever you updated/added DVDs.

Maybe if I ever get around to it, I'll figure out a way to export a table file you could upload through phpmyadmin.


Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:01 am
by kuzelnik
On second thought, maybe just an export to XML and use AJAX.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:35 am
by Conor
Dante wrote a XLST template that takes the XML export or I believe the complete info.xml file and transforms into Filemaker. There is no reason not to use XLST to transform into a MySQL import directly. We are also looking at recognizing XLST files in the template folder and doing the correct thing.

I think the new index feature in Gamepedia will be very useful in DVDpedia. You can create index for any column. The index looks especially nice in Kuzelniks modified templates for Gamepedia. There could even be template collections that play of each other with a link from one to the other. Sorted by Studio would link to ../Studio Sorted by Release Year would link to ../Release, then it would only require two exports with the appropriate column sorted when exporting and named correctly.