IMDB: Metascore
IMDB: Metascore
I would appreciate it DVDPedia downloaded the film's Metascore (when present) in place of the user ratings. If no Metascore was available, then the user rating will have to do.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
You are in luck.
From the help File:
Special IMDb tips
You can download crew data directly into specially named custom fields if you want to keep them apart from the general credit info list. Just change the title of the custom field to match the title on IMDb, i.e. "Cinematographer" or "Composer". The same is true for "Color" under the technical specs.
If you prefer seeing the Metacritic rating (as listed on IMDb) you can use the same trick with the custom fields. Name a field "Metacritic" and searching the IMDb site will download that information.
I have this code in my Info View:
The "Meta+" part doesn't need to be there, or you could put Meta=, or whatever you like if you want something to visually define what the number refers to.
From the help File:
Special IMDb tips
You can download crew data directly into specially named custom fields if you want to keep them apart from the general credit info list. Just change the title of the custom field to match the title on IMDb, i.e. "Cinematographer" or "Composer". The same is true for "Color" under the technical specs.
If you prefer seeing the Metacritic rating (as listed on IMDb) you can use the same trick with the custom fields. Name a field "Metacritic" and searching the IMDb site will download that information.
I have this code in my Info View:
Code: Select all
<!--IFcustom8<a href="[key:imdb]/criticreviews">Meta+[key:custom8]</a>ENDcustom8-->
Re: IMDB: Metascore
I really missed this and I was thinking how to move composer info to a custom fieldsitenoise wrote:You can download crew data directly into specially named custom fields if you want to keep them apart from the general credit info list. Just change the title of the custom field to match the title on IMDb, i.e. "Cinematographer" or "Composer".

I just have a question for developers: how should a "non-english" person deal with it?
Did you put all pf the IMDb fields into the language files?

Re: IMDB: Metascore
The tags are still in English, it matches what is listed as role in IMDb credits to your custom name. So you would need to set your custom name to say "Cinematographer" and not "Direttore della fotografia".
Re: IMDB: Metascore
I added two custom fields (Composer and Cinematographer) and they appear on the Extra tab of the Add/Modify window BUT when I downloaded info from IMDb they appeared on the cast tab too, is it working as designed?
As those are "standard" fields name would be ever translated?
I added two custom fields (Composer and Cinematographer) and they appear on the Extra tab of the Add/Modify window BUT when I downloaded info from IMDb they appeared on the cast tab too, is it working as designed?
As those are "standard" fields name would be ever translated?

Re: IMDB: Metascore
They are not supposed to be removed from the credits if you add them as a custom fields and they are likely to never be able to be translated as it would break the matching.
P.S. Not sure if you are aware but you can move custom fields from the extras tab to the main tab, in the preferences as well as arrange them in order you would prefer via drag and drop. E.i. put cinematographer right under director.
P.S. Not sure if you are aware but you can move custom fields from the extras tab to the main tab, in the preferences as well as arrange them in order you would prefer via drag and drop. E.i. put cinematographer right under director.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
Yes, I knew that, but it is good to remember it!Conor wrote:Not sure if you are aware but you can move custom fields from the extras tab to the main tab, in the preferences as well as arrange them in order you would prefer via drag and drop. E.i. put cinematographer right under director.

After adding them, I just removed from the "cast" list, so no problem for it.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
Thanks for the help. I am however a bit confused. There are two fields when there is a Metacritic score: Metacritic and Metascore. Metascore shows a number like this: xx/100. However, I named the field Metacritic and I am not sure what it is downloading. I believe the Metacritic field displays the number of reviews posted on the metacritic site. So far, with the Metacritic field, DVDPedia only downloads a two-digit number.
Further, I would like the field to be displayed with the word "Metascore" automatically included. Is there a way to do this?
Further, I would like the field to be displayed with the word "Metascore" automatically included. Is there a way to do this?
Re: IMDB: Metascore
I may have confused this issue, Mike. I think the bit I posted above from the Help File is about using the Special Fields, customText1 & customText2, as opposed to regular "custom" Fields. It's been so long ago I don't remember, but when I look at my code for the Details View, I see a difference between my Metacritic and Composer.
So, I can't tell you how or why this works
I named the custom field in the pedia preferences "Metacritic" (if that matters). If there is no Metacritic Score then nothing displays in my Details View. If there is a Score, the Score is displayed, as "Meta+85" in my case for the movie Boogie Nights
When I read your post you had me all worried that maybe it was only displaying the number of Critics.
This works for me because the majority of films in my db don't have Metascores, so it serves mostly as an alert, and a link to take me to the criticreviews page.
Code: Select all
<!--IFcustom8<a href="[key:imdb]/criticreviews">Meta+[key:custom8]</a>ENDcustom8-->
Code: Select all
<!-- COMPOSER -->
<div class="long"><div class="title">[translate:customText2]:</div><div class="text">[key:customText2]</div></div>

I named the custom field in the pedia preferences "Metacritic" (if that matters). If there is no Metacritic Score then nothing displays in my Details View. If there is a Score, the Score is displayed, as "Meta+85" in my case for the movie Boogie Nights
When I read your post you had me all worried that maybe it was only displaying the number of Critics.
This works for me because the majority of films in my db don't have Metascores, so it serves mostly as an alert, and a link to take me to the criticreviews page.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
The custom field needs to be named "Metacritic" although I have added that it can also be named "Metascore" for the beta version. The custom field then takes the value of the score given. The "/100" is ignored as it's known by most that the score is out of 100. For example Flight ([url=dvdpedia://search?title=1907668&site=IMDb]1907668[/url]) gets 76.
If you wanted to append the word "Metascore: " to the details view it can be done by making a custom details view as Finewine mentions and appending the word before the tag to the HTML code. (The custom1 number needs to change to match the custom field number that you renamed).
If you wanted to append "Metascore: " inside the field so that it's visible in the table view or edit window you would need to build your own version of the plugin with that programmed directly in the Objective-C code. So this would require Xcode and some programming knowledge.
If you wanted to append the word "Metascore: " to the details view it can be done by making a custom details view as Finewine mentions and appending the word before the tag to the HTML code. (The custom1 number needs to change to match the custom field number that you renamed).
Code: Select all
<!--IFcustom1 Metascore: [key:custom1] ENDcustom1-->
Re: IMDB: Metascore
The problem is actually, that the "valuation" field at IMDB uses votes by users (generally, not very useful to me) AND votes by "metacritics", when they are available. This means that I need to have votes by users (because many films have no votes from Metacritic) and also votes from Metacritic. IOW, I need two fields. I posted this in feature request because that would be the ideal solution: search for Metacritic scores and if the field is empty or not present, then download the user scores. This way, only one field is needed to display either score (I am not interested in displaying both, but perhaps there are people who would like that). It would be nice if the votes would be labeled (for example, Metascore or userscore), however, if the user score is downloaded as present, then just looking at the score would be clear which one it was.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
Thank you for the clarification. The search only picks up the critics average and not the user score. This information is not provided by IMDb. You would need to build a search plugin for Metacritic directly in order to gather all that information.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
I'm not quite sure I understand what you wrote. IMDB provides user scores always and sometimes also (in my library, it is about one third of the time) the Metascore. These scores are displayed in two fields. If I want Metascore in DVDPedia, currently I need to make a new field search and then display two fields: for all DVDs the user score and for some, the Metascore.Conor wrote:Thank you for the clarification. The search only picks up the critics average and not the user score. This information is not provided by IMDb. You would need to build a search plugin for Metacritic directly in order to gather all that information.
What I was asking was to change the way the DVDPedia search works so that Metascores, if present, would go in field x and, if not present, the user score would go in field x. If this is too difficult to implement, OK, I'll need to display the two fields or forget about the Metascores.
Re: IMDB: Metascore
I understand now. I thought you were referring to the user score on Metacritic and not IMDb. Merging the two fields automatically would indeed require a custom version of the plugin that you would need to modify the code and rebuild with Xcode.
What is slightly easier is to periodically merge the Metacritic score into the user rating score when that one is empty. You would use the SQL backend for this and it would be with a program called Terminal in /Application/Utilities.
1. Quit DVDpedia
2. Make a copy of your database file as a backup, it's located in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd.
3. Open the program named Terminal in /Application/Utilities
4. Copy paste the four following commands (update custom1 to match the number of the custom field that you renamed to "Metacritic"):
That code copies the contents of average rating to custom one were custom one is empty. Running this code after a large import of movies will merge the user score into the Metacritic score when not set. Letting use only the meta critic column.
I updated DVDpedia beta to be able to receive a reload command, which means you can put the above into an Automator Service script and have it as a menu command from DVDpedia. Read this post on how to do that, you can use these service and open it up and replace the SQL command in the service with the UPDATE command.above
What is slightly easier is to periodically merge the Metacritic score into the user rating score when that one is empty. You would use the SQL backend for this and it would be with a program called Terminal in /Application/Utilities.
1. Quit DVDpedia
2. Make a copy of your database file as a backup, it's located in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd.
3. Open the program named Terminal in /Application/Utilities
4. Copy paste the four following commands (update custom1 to match the number of the custom field that you renamed to "Metacritic"):
Code: Select all
sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/DVDpedia/Database.dvdpd
UPDATE zentry SET zcustom1 = zaverageRating WHERE zcustom1 = NULL || zcustom1 = '';
That code copies the contents of average rating to custom one were custom one is empty. Running this code after a large import of movies will merge the user score into the Metacritic score when not set. Letting use only the meta critic column.
I updated DVDpedia beta to be able to receive a reload command, which means you can put the above into an Automator Service script and have it as a menu command from DVDpedia. Read this post on how to do that, you can use these service and open it up and replace the SQL command in the service with the UPDATE command.above
Re: IMDB: Metascore
Thanks Conor. I'll read your message a few more times to understand it all, and then do what you describe. It sounds like it should work.