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Bookpedia: moved links should be tracked

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:53 pm
by vanderdecker
I wish BP would better be able to track book files. If I have a link to:

Ebook > AuthorLASTNAME, AuthorFIRSTNAME > Booktitle
that I move to
Ebook > AuthorLASTNAME, AuthorFIRSTNAME > seriesname > Booktitle

the link in BP breaks.

Speaking of which, what does the Move button that appears when I select a link supposed to do? Clicking it does nothing.

Re: Bookpedia: moved links should be tracked

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:13 am
by Conor
The "move" button in the links tab moves the linked files into the data folder location for the program. As to let Bookpedia manage your files, sort of what iTunes does with music files. If the file can't be currently found then the move button would do nothing. Thanks for the feedback about improving keeping track of files.

Re: Bookpedia: moved links should be tracked

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:13 pm
by democrite
I too would like this. If I rename or remove a linked file, I think it's possible for that to be tracked. As noted, iTunes is able to be aware of files renamed and moved. Other apps too. Like if I have a PDF opened in Preview, I can rename it, and continue to work in Preview without issues or needing to re-open it. Seems OS X has someway of keeping track of files that includes other than path. Seems this is the way: ... -path.html

Re: Bookpedia: moved links should be tracked

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:24 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback and the link. Once we support 10.6+ only we can look at updating to reference URL only supported from Snow Leopard on over the regular URL now in use.