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DVDPedia... filling in the release date

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:59 pm
by PGW
DVDPedia is doing some weird things.

I filled in the release days for a DVD as 2011, and it auto-filled in May, 2011 for some reason. I then edited that, and put an apostrophe before 2011, assuming that would make it read correctly, but that just closes the entry window entirely for some reason. Is there some way to get this to behave? Thank you, guys.


I'm using 5.1.1 beta 34 and OSX 10.7.4.

Re: DVDPedia... filling in the release date

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:44 am
by Nora
Check your date format settings in the Preferences/General. If you only want the release year it should read "yyyy" for the Release date field. I'm not sure why putting an apostrophe before the date would have closed your window (it should simply have ignored it and reset your date to the format chosen in the Preferences) but if that happens again let me know. I've tried to repeat it here but the window doesn't react for me with the apostrophe.

Re: DVDPedia... filling in the release date

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 1:52 pm
by PGW
Thanks, Nora. That worked.

I think the apostrophe had nothing to do with closing the window, after all - it was me hitting return afterwards. My error! :).