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Accented characters (importing from DL)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:29 pm
by cortig
Hi All,

I noticed what I believe to be a bug while importing from Delicious Library to DVDPedia.
I have a lot of DVDs in French, and for some of them, the import in DVDPedia displays encoding errors for accented characters.
Après le triomphe de L'Auberge espagnole, Cédric Klapisch a choisi de s'essayer à un genre très codifié du film noir.
instead of:
Après le triomphe de L'Auberge espagnole, Cédric Klapisch a choisi de s'essayer à un genre très codifié du film noir.

I'll live with it (I made far too many modifications to want to trash it all and reimport at some future time now), but I thought I had to report the issue :)


Re: Accented characters (importing from DL)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:16 am
by Nora
Thanks for letting us know. Download beta 33 of DVDpedia and you'll find the problem fixed.

Re: Accented characters (importing from DL)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:46 am
by cortig
Thanks a million.
I tested it and unfortunately it didn’t work :(
é is still showing up as À© upon import from Delicious Library for instance (where it properly shows up as é).
All accented characters are still messed up…

Would you need me to upload a DL Library somewhere for you to test with?? (though mine is a bit large…).


Re: Accented characters (importing from DL)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:06 pm
by Conor
Unfortunately, DL makes the cover images part of their database file making the file quite large to send or to handle in anyway that would be practical. Thank you for beta testing that. Sadly I can't repeat it, using your text in title and comments and summary "Après le triomphe de L'Auberge espagnole, Cédric Klapisch a choisi de s'essayer à un genre très codifié du film noir", comes across perfectly in the import. I tired a few extra such as illustrator and genre and those also work. Since you have already made modifications and won't be importing it again I'll put it on the known bug list and wait to see if it crops up again for another user. Thank you.