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Problems moving DVDpedia database to new install

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:02 am
by llprice
I'm having difficulty getting my DVD database opened on my new Lion computer. My previous computer's hard drive crashed, but I had a backup of the DVDpedia database (and the intaller for DVDpedia version 4.1.4) on an external drive. However, I can't seem to install that db backup into the new version 5 DVDpedia, and can't seem to open version 4.1.4 in Lion. Any suggestions how I can recover the 400 records and open them in my current verison of DVDpedia?


Re: Problems moving DVDpedia database to new install

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:54 am
by Nora
Let's do baby-steps to make sure everything goes well. Start by downloading DVDpedia 4.6.8, the last stable release for version 4. If it runs fine and shows your database you can then run version 5 so the program will copy and update the database file for you.

If version 4.6.8 doesn't run on your computer please take a look at your console log if there are any messages from DVDpedia. You can access the console log via the application 'Console', located inside your Applications/Utilities. The newer messages are towards the end of the log.

If the program runs fine but you don't see your database, check in the Preferences/General that the path where the program is looking for the data file and your actual data file location are the same. If they are, please email us your Database.pediadata file so we can check that here. You'll find our email address on the support page.