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Search Bar Handling of Longer Text (All Pedias)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:30 am
by witchkitten
I've run into an issue with the search bar that I'm hoping can be fixed. This is a problem the affects all the pedias (I'm guessing it affects Gamepedia but since I don't own it, I can't check). The issue I'm encountering happens when I'm searching for long titles that can't fit in the search bar window. When typing longer titles, the text that goes past the end of the search bar is no longer visible. I can only see the beginning text. When I make a typo, I can't see it and therefore have to delete the entire line of text retype the sentence again. In most search boxes, the text moves sideways so you can continue to see what you type even when it doesn't fit in the search bar (an example of this is the Safari's Google search bar in the top right corner of the window). I'd like to request that the search bars in the pedias scroll the text so you can see as you type longer titles.

Re: Search Bar Handling of Longer Text (All Pedias)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:09 pm
by Conor
That is quite the omission, consider it fixed in all the beta versions:


Thank you also for taking the time to write out a clear explanation of the problem.

Re: Search Bar Handling of Longer Text (All Pedias)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:53 am
by witchkitten
Thank you for your quick reply and the quick fix. :)