Bookpedia Bookshelf Ordering Thumbnails
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:03 pm
One useful feature would be to assign a bookshelf ordering number to the metadata of each book. This is helpful when Smart Groups don't dictate the order on the shelves (e.g. with oversized books). Books could be assigned a room, column and row number, along with a number indicating its placement to the left or right. Then the Library could be sorted according to this code, and the thumbnails could show the order that the books are in on the shelves, thus creating a virtual shelf. Also may I point out that it would be nice to be able to resize the thumbnails. And finally, may I mention that Delicious Library displays the thumbnails according to the actual dimensions of the books, therefore they are shown to scale in comparison to each other. That would be nice on Bookpedia. x