Import from DVDProfiler - synch Pocketpedia - no Covers

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Import from DVDProfiler - synch Pocketpedia - no Covers

Post by kgkoop »

Hi @ll,

after succesfully importing Collection and Cover Art via XML File from DVD Profiler, I tried to synch all the Data to my iPhone.
And it worked, well at least partially.
All the information is on Pocketpedia - only the Coverart is missing. Large Covers are activated in the iPhone Settings, and I tried a couple of times with firewall down,
iPhone connected with cable, automatic stand-by deactivated but nothing helped.
Is that somehow connected to the Amazon topic and is there a solution to this problem?
Any help is more than welcome!


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Re: Import from DVDProfiler - synch Pocketpedia - no Covers

Post by Nora »

Hi Klaus,

Thank you for the bug report. We had another similar report, could you please send us a couple of the images so we can try out those images and find if there is something special about them. You can view the original images by control clicking on the left image well and choosing "Show in Finder". Did the original image transfer complete, e.i. it should have said on Pocketpedia "sending image 1 of 1000", etc for each image?
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Re: Import from DVDProfiler - synch Pocketpedia - no Covers

Post by kgkoop »

Hi again,

because I could not answer your last question, I decided to do it all again from scratch.
And this time it worked - not like a charm and not fast as lightning - but it is the result that counts, right?

The main difference between the two attempts - my Powerbook was in the usual workspace, meaning additionally
connected to LAN and the iPhone was in the cradle, connected to an active USB-Hub.

DVDPedia imported all the information incl. german umlaute from a UTF-8 formatted Collection.xml and the Artwork from the IMAGES folder.

1124 entries took a while – guesstimated 5-10 minutes.
Time to deinstall the Pocketpedia app and re-install it.

Before I started the synch, I closed the desktop app and restarted it and re-booted my iPhone.
The settings were set to Large Covers and All Details.
PATIENCE seems to be the key – the whole process took almost three hours and it took two syncs to complete!
The first round, 2 hrs. and a quarter, synched all the details (counting upwards xx of 1124 with ‘very long pauses’ on some entries) but no Cover Art and when I synched for the second time it pushed the Cover Art to the iPhone.

If you’re still interested in some of the cover art let me know where to send it to.

Best regards

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Re: Import from DVDProfiler - synch Pocketpedia - no Covers

Post by gg66 »

I got exactly the same problem with Pocketpedia2 when I tried to sync with CDpedia. No CD cover but all other data was ok.
In fact my first sync worked without problem. Then I wanted to delete my database and start a new database from scratch on CDpedia. Then I tried to sync again and the problem arise.
After reading this post I deleted Pocketpedia and installed it again and it worked again.

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