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10 star rating system

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:10 pm
by scooter64
Hey Guys,

I would love to see a rating scale of 1-10, rather than 1-5 stars as the DVDpedia system is currently using.

I find that 5 stars too limiting, as I really like's system.

For example, after rating a movie 5/10 on IMDb, I then have to decide if I want to rate this 2 or 3 in DVDpedia. Of course, a 2-1/2 (2.5/5) would work too, I suppose.

So, would it be possible to change to either:

a) A five-star system (like it currently is set up), but ADD a "half star" option. [checkout the iphone app iTV for an example of rating 2-1/2].

b) A ten-star system like [Wouldn't it be awesome if their individual user ratings matched the one in Pedia? Yes, it would involve pedia users creating an imdb account, I'm sure many do already. Well, I can dream. :D ]

A big change, but could it be done? Would you consider taking a poll? Why was a five-star chosen originally?

Thanks you guys, keep up the great work!

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:58 pm
by sjk
Did you see the recent half-star request and Conor's response? It's for Bookpedia but could be applicable to all the 'pedias.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:24 pm
by scooter64
sjk wrote:Did you see the recent half-star request and Conor's response? It's for Bookpedia but could be applicable to all the 'pedias.

Yes, I'd love the half-star rating potential to be implemented.

Or, the 10-star rating could work too. But the five half-star might be easier from a technical side, and not upset too many existing users.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:43 pm
by jfa88
I'd like to see either a 10 star system or 1/2 stars. I was rating my DVD's today and really needed several 4.5 star ratings. Conor -- PLEASE consider it very strongly! :-)

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:30 pm
by Dave_R
I'd just like to add my vote for this feature. Either way (10 stars or half stars) would be great.


Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:30 pm
by sjk
Half-stars would be more visually appealing to me than 10 stars.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:37 pm
by marumari
I definitely think that this would be a great feature. Personally, I /hate/ Netflix's 1-5 system. So, it gets my vote.

I'd also say that I'd love a preference option for how the "My Rating" field is displayed. If you choose numerically, you'd get a '9', and if you choose visually, you'd get 4.5 stars. Either way, the value on the backend would be stored as integer with a range of 1-10. Or, I suppose, you could do a range of 1-100 (like "Rating"), rounded to the nearest 10 if you choose to display stars. Lots of ways to play around with it, I think. :)

I do agree with @sjk in that I think 10 stars would look a little ugly / cluttered.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:16 am
by sjk
marumari wrote:Personally, I /hate/ Netflix's 1-5 system.
Like I detest Apple's App Store's? ;)

I usually prefer the simplicity of a compact range rating system if only used by a single, consistent reviewer (e.g. Roger Ebert) other than myself. I want a broader range when doing my own ratings (e.g. so there's more room for private purposes), or if they're community-based and can spread out averages more helpfully (e.g. IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, etc.). For anything, not just movies as in this example.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:24 pm
by marumari
Oh, man, Apple's App's Store rating system is the worst... so very, very bad. The fact that you can only view things through iTunes makes for one of the worst experiences imaginable.

Although, Amazon's rating system might even be more heinous - it actually does calculate an average score, like 4.1 stars out of 5. But, as far as I know, there's no way to get it to show up through any normal browser interaction - it's clearly visible in the source, though. That stuff just yanks my chains - it should be easily visible at all times.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:40 pm
by sjk
marumari wrote:The fact that you can only view things through iTunes makes for one of the worst experiences imaginable.
Maybe that could change if the App Store would also be influenced by this rumored browser-based access:

Apple's Lala purchase forecasts browser access to iTunes content
Although, Amazon's rating system might even be more heinous
Technical details aside (which I agree are annoying), it's been a more helpful product quality/value differentiation tool for me than the flood of inane App Store "ratings/reviews" may ever be (without some significant changes).

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:11 pm
by scooter64

I was just curious about the possibility of changing to a half point or ten point rating system for DVD pedia?

Conor or Nora, I didn't see anything related to this in the most recent Jan 2010 update, do you think it's workable? I was excited to see many others share my sentiment since my original post.

Just wondering? :D

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:47 pm
by Nora
We're working on that but this latest update, 4.5.5, took us a bit by surprise (see here) and since we had to hurry the release for the new access keys, the new rating system didn't make it yet. But it should be ready for the next version.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:41 pm
by scooter64
Nora wrote:We're working on that but this latest update, 4.5.5, took us a bit by surprise (see here) and since we had to hurry the release for the new access keys, the new rating system didn't make it yet. But it should be ready for the next version.

I was disappointed that it was not included on the latest update 4.6.0. :shock:

Did you have a change of heart?

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:35 am
by Nora
We have the stars ready but including it in 4.6 turned out to be more complicated than expected due to the format of the my rating in the internal database. We do promise it will make it, but we have postponed it until the version where we have to update the database for new fields as well as other changes.

Re: 10 star rating system

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:13 am
by kbarnes70
Nora wrote:We have the stars ready but including it in 4.6 turned out to be more complicated than expected due to the format of the my rating in the internal database. We do promise it will make it, but we have postponed it until the version where we have to update the database for new fields as well as other changes.
I'd welcome this too. In the meantime, it's possible to create a custom field called "Star Ratings" or whatever and then users can award their movies as many stars as they want :) They can sort on that field too if they wish. It's not ideal but it's a workaround until you get chance to incorporate it fully. Users would have to go through their entire database awarding stars, but then they would have to do that anyway when you introduce half stars or 10 stars or whatever you're planning. The main downside would be that the Star Ratings field wouldn't appear in the title bar of each movie in Info View (unless one coded a bit of html to make it appear of course) but it would appear in the table view and the info view main page and, as I say, one could sort on it or make smart collections using the rankings. Just a thought.

Kind regards,
