CDpedia want list

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CDpedia want list

Post by Dave_R »

I've been using CDpedia for several years. I love the program, but there are a few things I'd like to see changed / added.

1. The main issue for me is playing songs from CDpedia. Unless there is only 1 version of the selected song in iTunes, CDpedia rarely plays the right version. In other words, if I choose to play Sugar Magnolia from The Grateful Dead's American Beauty album, CDpedia will play Sugar Magnolia from the live album Europe '72. My entries all exactly match the info in iTunes, but CDpedia almost always chooses the wrong version of the song. It would be very convenient to launch songs from CDpedia, but as it stands, this function just doesn't work.

2. Track listings in the info view should be numbered, with multiple disc sets noting Disc 1 - Track 1,2, 3...Disc 2 Track 1,2,3, etc. I know this has been brought up before in the forum, but it really needs to be addressed. Having an unnumbered list of 150 songs for a 10 CD set just isn't good enough for the premier CD cataloging program on the market. And for compilation sets, there needs to be aligned columns for the different artists - if that 10CD set has multiple artists, the tracks listing is just a big, illegible mess. It would be great if I could then play those songs right from the info view, but just having a numbered and properly aligned list would be a great start.

3. When I add entires to CDpedia (i.e. import a playlist from iTunes) the iTunes track list must be refreshed and then the entry must be opened before the track status (the double notes) is updated...not a huge deal, but it would be nice if I didn't have to go through this process every time I add some albums. I read here about a similar issue with DVDpedia and you suggested the poster try the beta which fixed the issue. I tried the beta (4.5.4) for CDpedia and it didn't resolve the problem.

4. There should be an easier way to clear or change multiple "My Rating" entries. I have 2200 albums and would like to clear the My Rating field and start from scratch, but I think I'd have to do it one entry at a time - first clicking to select the album, then carefully trying to click just to the left of the stars - kind of a pain. I should be able to select all albums, clear the My rating field, then select the 100 albums I want to give a 5 star rating to and apply it with one click.

Again, I love the app and appreciate the developers constant updates and reasonable pricing. These are just one users suggestions on how to take CDpedia to the next level.

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Re: CDpedia want list

Post by Conor »

Thank you for thoughtful feedback.

1. Controlling iTunes via AppleScript is not as easy as it should be, there are few options for specifying the track you want. I do need to improve the matching of the songs for users with libraries that overlap on song names. I do think I have find a solution but it would require a database update for CDpedia so might be a while in coming.

2. Still looking for a solution for this one as the info view is HTML based the and the track listing is a simple list in HTML and so it becomes more complex to split it up. I moved it up on my schedule to look at enhancing the info view track list.

3. It should refresh all the albums automatically when you explicitly select the menu command from under the help menu. I have to enhance it so it also does that when it refreshes the information automatically once a week. the issue with this is that it requires a lot of testing as the refresh is done in a separate thread and it's not easy to update the entries from a separate thread that does not know what the user is currently doing with CDpedia (by coincidence updating the same album).

4. Select all entries and press the edit button. Look for the my rating and check the box next to it and leave the stars blank. The same can be done on any selection to set a number of stars.
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Re: CDpedia want list

Post by Dave_R »

Thanks for reading my requests and the quick response. And for help with the My Rating field (should have figured that one out myself).

Great product that I use everyday.

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