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IMDb user ratings?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:00 am
by e2ek1el1
I want to first mention how much I love this program. It's one of the only programs I have ever actually purchased for my mac. Great work and tech support! :D Thanks so much!

Now with my question. I was wondering how you got the IMDb user ratings. When I search for a movie with IMDb, where the user rating is it puts a 7 digit code, I assume this code is linked to a code on the IMDb and it's suppose to bring up the proper rating. Well for me this isn't happening. For the last couple of years all I've been doing is copying and pasting the rating when I get the movie, but these ratings change all the time.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance!

Re: IMDb user ratings?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:40 pm
by Conor
The IMDb number is a 7 digit number that identfies the movie. It's not related to the actual rating, to get the rating you have to remove what you currently have under "Rating". From Amazon this would be a a number from 0 to 5 with two decimals followed by the number of votes, "4.5 (579 votes)". Because DVDpedia does not replace existing (or exciting) information you need to set rating to nothing before getting more information from IMDb to update the rating, which would then by a number from 0 to 10 with one decimal point followed by the number of votes "8.7 (339,315 votes)".

Updated: fixed typo.

Re: IMDb user ratings?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:14 pm
by sjk
Conor wrote:Because DVDpedia does not replace exciting information …
Or existing information. :)