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IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:42 am
by thebodster

Today (27th June) dvdpedia has stopped downloading cast information when adding dvd's. It downloads maybe a character name or two but thats it.


Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:03 am
by Lodovico
The beta fixes the problem but introduces a more serious one (for me, at least).

See this thread:

not adding director/producer/writer

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:28 pm
by e2ek1el1
I am having these same problems and they only happened recently. I am trying to add titles to my library by search IMDb and now all of a sudden the producer/writer and the director isn't being added for all the movies. Can we please get some help? I tried that beta and I am using the latest version 4.4.3.

Thanks very much I love this application and that's why I purchased it, thanks in advance for any help!! :)

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:58 am
by Nora
Sorry about that - the problem was related to the IMDb options in DVDpedia. If you didn't have any of those checked, then the download didn't work properly. But that's fixed now so you can download the beta once more and all the information should come in now from IMDb.
Please note that to get the Producer credits, you have to check the 'Produced by' box in the IMDb Options found under the Plugins menu. (The little white cube next to the Help menu up top.)

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:24 am
by Lodovico
I'm wondering... is the new beta for OS 10.5 only?

When I run it on my MacBook (10.5.7) it works fine; but when I use it on my old PowerBook (10.4.11), which is where I mainly use DVDpedia, the application does not respond to left-clicks in the Collections pane - meaning I can't change Collections.

The last non-beta release does not have this problem - it only occurs in the last two betas I've tried, and if I switch back to the non-beta, the problem disappears.

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:26 am
by Conor
Could you take a look into your console log for errors from DVDpedia on the Tiger computer and send us any information there as well as your DVDpedia database from the Tiger computer so that we can try to debug any Tiger problems. You can read the console log with the program of the same name in your utilities folder. The database is located in your home folder at ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/Database.pediadata.

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:29 am
by reab
Lodovico wrote:I'm wondering... is the new beta for OS 10.5 only?

When I run it on my MacBook (10.5.7) it works fine; but when I use it on my old PowerBook (10.4.11), which is where I mainly use DVDpedia, the application does not respond to left-clicks in the Collections pane - meaning I can't change Collections.
Same problem here (Mac G5 10.4.11)

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:10 pm
by Conor
Could you please send us any error from DVDpedia in your console log. You can view your log with the program of the same name in your utilities folder.

Re: IMDB Cast Information not downloading

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:21 am
by reab
Conor wrote:Could you please send us any error from DVDpedia in your console log. You can view your log with the program of the same name in your utilities folder.
Fixed with Version 4.5.0. Many Thanks