Exporting to MobileMe questions

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Exporting to MobileMe questions

Post by teacher24_70 »

I've exported to MobileMe before (in December) and it posted to the following address--although I had to dig around a little to find it:
http://homepage.mac.com/myork2/Michelle ... index.html

I just exported again. There haven't been a lot of changes to my library, so I didn't think that it would take very long. It seemed to take longer than I expected, so I returned to the app later. It said that it finished and that I could view the site. The view button didn't seem to work--I seem to remember it not working last time either. I had taken a screen shot of the final export window so that I would have the address if I needed it. It said that it should be viewable at:
http://web.me.com/myork2/Michelle's Movies

I didn't think that was completely right because I didn't think that there could be a blank space between Michelle's and Movies. I'm wasn't even sure that the apostrophe could be there.

I tried it anyway and it did seem to take me to the correct site--although the URL filled in the missing space:

Obviously, the export location has been updated in a recent DVDpedia update.

Now I'm seeing my Library at BOTH locations. The original location shows the older export version (without changes since December) and the new update location obviously shows most current movies.

I also have the folders in both locations on my iDisk:
original (iDisk>Web>Sites)
current (iDisk>Sites)

I'm assuming that it's safe to delete the folder in the iDisk>Web>Sites folder? I guess that would explain why it took so long to export--because it was exporting to an entirely new folder and therefore was NOT just updating an old folder.

My second question is if there's a way to make the export retain the formating in my Library name. My library name is "Michelle's Movie Library". When exported, the top of the actual page (and the browser title bar) shows "Michelle's Movie Library". Obviously, I can take out the punctuation mark and the space in my library name in DVDpedia, but is that mandatory or is there a way for the export to retain the formatting. I'm not very familiar with HTML, so it may just be something that I have to deal with.
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Re: Exporting to MobileMe questions

Post by Conor »

Apple has moved from the old Mac name and Homepage setup to the new MobileMe. With MobileMe they place their websites under the web folder as you mentioned. We have updated the Pedias to reflect this change by Apple. So you can remove the old homepage upload from "iDisk>Sites". You could using Homepage setup a redirection from the old address to the new address so users using the old link would still get to your DVDs; but that might not be possible as I believe that Homepage is no longer available to log into.

Thank you for pointing out the problem with the encoding of both the link and the title. Since HTML was never meant to handle apostrophes or even spaces in the URL it has a bit of an issue with them. I'll fix the apostrophe for the next version of the Pedias so you shouldn't have a problem with that (it's currently a bug where it's encoding the & sign twice instead of just once). With the space it's always best to avoid in the URL if you can (Mail like our own forum would split a link at the space and "%20" is not that nice looking). So in the MobileMe upload you could rename your upload site folder to "Movies" this way having a link that has no spaces and still has your login name in the URL letting people know it's yours (http://web.me.com/myork2/Movies). If you decide to update the name it would do an entire new upload as it's a brand new folder, to avoid that rename the folder "Michelle's Movies" on your iDisk/Web to just "Movies" before hand.
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