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sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:16 pm
by camrod
I have listed my DVD want list on Pocketpedia and would like to save a copy of it to my computer just in case my iPhone dies.
I have seen other Apps that will let you email a copy of your list to yourself. Will this be a feature in the future?

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:34 pm
by kevindosi
Can't you just add it to your iPhone and it will sync to your computer when you plugin? Or does it only sync one-way? I hope not.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:03 am
by Conor
iTunes will backup your entire iPhone data, but to backup your Pocketpedia file separately hold down the option key and select "Pocketpedia" under the help menu in DVDpedia. This will give you instructions to start a sync and it will copy the database file to your desktop. From there you could rename it to add the date of the backup and store it in a safe place.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:48 am
by Nora
Or does it only sync one-way?
At the moment the sync between the Desktop Pedias and Pocketpedia is one-way only, from the Mac to the iPhone or iPod touch. We hope to expand that feature in the future and include a two-way sync.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:59 pm
by camrod
I have a Windows Vista Notebook. So, no dvdpedia unless you have one for Windows. I have tried several of the .mdbackup file reader/extractor programs with no luck. I really don't want to retype 200+ movies. I do like your database layout. If only you had a way to backup the list separately from a non-readable itunes backup. If you are working on this can you give some idea as to how long it might be.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:29 am
by Conor
You should be able to extract the SQL database with .mdbackup extractor. Try "pokectpedia.sql" I mistyped the name when setting the database file name. If that fails try an extraction of all ".sql" files.

We do have a Windows backup/importer on the list of things to do, but it looks unlikely at the moment. Windows is such a different programming world that the learning curve to write one would be steep. We don't even have Windows OS, not even on our Macs.

iPhone development and Mac development are one and the same. I think this was part of Apple's plan all along. It knew that most iPhone developers would be Mac developers and their apps would tie to Mac apps, turning iPhone users into Mac users. Also any new iPhone developer is now a Mac developer as well, so the possibility opens for more Mac programs.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:36 pm
by camrod
I tried the .mdbackup extractor and got an error message that the file could not be opened. But i could look at the contents with notepad and wordpad. I guess i will have to type all those DVDs in again in a safe place until you get an email feature installed and working.

Re: sync pocketpedia to computer

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:22 am
by Conor
What did you try opening the file with? It is an SQLite file, so you need to use SQLite3; you can find the binary for windows at the SQLite page. Pull out a list of tiles and asins with the following SQL command:

Code: Select all

select asin, title from entries;