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Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:13 pm
by claidheamdanns
It would be nice to have two different categories here (and maybe it is already possible and I am not aware of it). I had been using the borrow section for things people borrowed from me. But the way it is talked about here, it seems as though this were for things which I borrow from others. So, it would be nice to have an added one, whichever would be the counterpart of this.

Re: Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:23 am
by Conor
It is meant to be for items one borrowed, but it can be used in either situation. Thank you for the feedback about having a second list for the opposite. To start keeping track of the items right away use one of the custom fields for lender. With a smart collection "custom field is not [leave blank]" all the items that someone has lent you will go there.

Re: Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:55 pm
by Eric
Thoroughly enjoying Bookpedia!

I'm just wondering if this topic's idea has been implemented yet (for me what matters is Bookpedia). It seems there really should be two separate collections: Loaned to others and Borrowed from others.

Also, I have used up the 10 custom fields (long ago) and am really struggling to get by with just 10 of them. Any chance their number might be increased to about 30 :roll: sometime soon?

Re: Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:39 am
by Conor
Thank you for the suggestion about a separate special collection for lend versus borrowed. We generally don't discuss future enhancements and features but for this one I can tell you we will be increasing the number of custom fields in the next major release (5.0). We will also include custom fields that are not free form: dates and check boxes. We don't have a release date for version 5 but it is still some way off.

Re: Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:07 am
by sjk
Conor wrote:We will also include custom fields that are not free form: dates and check boxes.
We don't have a release date for version 5 but it is still some way off.
And hopefully no one pesters for status reports, especially after you were kind enough to share this much info. :)

Re: Borrow vs. Lend

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:10 am
by CraginS
I'd like to add a vote for this new alternate field. We just recently discovered Bruji and began using BookPedia. One of our uses is to record books read, not just owned. AS very heavy users of the public library, that means we want to record books borrowed from the library, along with notes or mini reviews. Since we borrow a lot of books, but lend out very few, we are using the "Borrowed" field to indicate library books we borrowed, rather than books we lent out.