Page 1 of 1 and syncing

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:49 pm
by Howard
I have been using Dropbox ( in combination with 1Password to keep my 1Password information synced between laptop and desktop. Dropbox is free for up to 2GB storage and it does block level (delta) syncing. It works great with 1Password and I could not help but wonder if the data structure of the Pedias would work with Dropbox or could be made to work with Dropbox?

Thanks, Howard

Re: and syncing

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:15 pm
by Conor
HI Howard,

Thank you for the suggestion. We have never tried it, but DVDpedia's data are all regular files. One SQL file (Database.pediadata) and the covers inside the covers folder (.jpgs). You would have to be careful in what direction the sync is performed. I would not suggest two way as the SQL file is to compact and specific that it can easily be broken if changes are merged, but a one way sync should be possible. I would go ahead and backup the entire DVDpedia data folder in ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia and then give it a try.

Re: and syncing

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:43 am
by teacher24_70
Has anyone tried this with Dropbox with success? I also use Dropbox with 1Password and it works great.

I'm looking at getting a Mac Mini to use as a media center hooked into my TV and I'd love to be able to enter data on my laptop and have it synced to the Mini.

Re: and syncing

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:05 am
by Alex
It should work, but as Conor said, make a backup of your DVDpedia folder first.

Also, if your mac Mini is going to be the central repository for all your files, that is, it will be acting as a server, you can just put the DVDpedia database on the Mini, share the folder and point DVDpedia on your main mac to read it from there. This way, you don't have to worry about syncing. Of course, depending on your network and the size of the database, you might notice a lag in certain operations.