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When switching from one collection to another ...

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:55 am
by sitenoise
... and then back, is there a logic in what entry gets chosen?

It appears one of two things happens:

If the entry you were looking at in the original collection exists in the target collection it will be selected upon arrival.
If the entry does not exist in the target collection, the first entry, according to sort, will be selected.

I don't suppose this matters to anyone else, but I find myself wishing that it would select the entry previously chosen in the target collection. I do a lot of information gathering/comparing and ... well ... I'm just curious if there is a logic already in place or if this is default behavior.

Re: When switching from one collection to another ...

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:38 am
by Conor
That is the logic, to keep the selection if possible (or part of the selection if multiple entries are selected), otherwise the first entry. Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately it's not an easy thing to change, especially since the program does not keep a history of what used to be previously selected.

Re: When switching from one collection to another ...

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:07 pm
by sitenoise
ok, I'm more comfortable now knowing there's a reason for the behavior.