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How to add a mail link to dfProHTML template

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:36 pm
by babston
I am looking to add the link for people to request to borrow that movie. i have seen it on other htm exports but not on this one. Does anyone know how to add this?

Re: How to add a mail link to dfProHTML template

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:12 am
by Nora
Here is an example of the mail link (taken from the KuzDVDMailLink template):

Code: Select all

<a href="mailto:[global:myEmail]?subject=Borrowing [key:title] &body=I am emailing you from your DVDs page to let you know that I would like to borrow [key:title].">Borrow</a>
To edit the dfProHTML template, select it in the export window as if you were to do an export and press the 'Edit' button at the bottom of the window. That'll create a copy of the template, append 'My' to the name to designate that it's a template you edited and save the copy in your DVDpedia templates folder. Now you can open the template with any good text editor and add the mail link wherever you want it to appear. Once you're done, save the file and you'll see it appear in your Export drop down menu among the other templates.