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A Status Bar?

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:41 pm
by sitenoise
Like in Safari, that shows you where a "link" will take you. The URL ... down by the number of disks etc.

Re: A Status Bar?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:39 am
by Nora
Thanks for the idea.

Re: A Status Bar?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:00 pm
by sitenoise
I gonna give this one a bump. I know I could name my links more appropriately, but ...

Come to think of it, I think I am using dvdPEDIA a little differently than most and I've got blinders on. I use it a lot simply as a information center about films ... like an encycloPEDIA ... not as much as a collection of dvds. In my Info View I have a box called Links with a bunch of links ... (surprise). Essentially I used Matt's Template and changed his Product Info box to a links box.

So maybe this idea doesn't make sense to anyone not having this kind of Info View, or not using it in the way I do.

In the Links box I have links to reviews, places to buy, WikiPEDIA articles, user comments on Flixster, YouTube trailers, etc., all kinds of stuff. And they are 'named' by the title of the article or any number of things that don't distinguish what, or where, they really are.

I know this is a selfish request, but what the heck.

I also got a new laptop and a new Firewire Drive and have ripped a ton of my dvds to avi files. One thing that having the status available would help me with is knowing if the link to the avi file is going to be any good any more. I've moved files around and should really go in and update all the links, but I'm lazy I guess. Although with this new Front Row plug-in, maybe I'll get over my laziness because there isn't an available status bar while surfing around in there. But it is VERY COOL.

Re: A Status Bar?

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:13 am
by Conor
It's a useful idea and it has been done for the next release. Download the beta and test it out.

Re: A Status Bar?

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:19 pm
by sitenoise
This Bruji experience never ceases to amaze me. I wish all the DL users who waited four years for an update could see this thread, and so many others just like it in this forum.

Question: Are these 'beta' safe to roll in and use al the time? I've usually done that, knowing I can always go to the web site and get a 'real' release if something else seems screwy. So there's no chance of one of these clobbering my library, right?

Re: A Status Bar?

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:24 pm
by Conor
The word spreads and we get a lot of switchers.

The betas are safe. Normally only small changes are included that go through testing with me and Nora and small UI changes that we would like to find out how beta users react. When the changes are of a bigger nature the programs go though a much larger testing cycle. The betas also let me try out work flow changes such as using the new Xcode version, this should have no effect on the programs but it's great to be able to test it. So if you do find any peculiarities let me know.

All that said there is nothing like good backup habits. So do make sure to keep backups of your ~/Libary/Application Support/DVDpedia folder.