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Search Sources

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:02 pm
by Ronin
I have been doing a number of manual inputs due to DVDPedia seeming to miss entries on or other sites.

Several things have come to mind.

Would it be possible to configure the search order? For example, I would like to search beginning with either or and then revert to others. It would be nice to be able to customize the process. has a lot of very good synopses of movies, but it is not a choice as a search source. I realize that there are problems with their images being Flash based...I am still trying to figure out an easy way to import their images to DVDPedia.

The NYTime movie reviews also frequently have a synopsis of a movie when it is lacking in other sites.

There are sites such as which have images of posters that are useful resources when one of the other sites has no image. If there is no image returned through or or whatever, is it possible to add a search button for images that would either search sites such as or perhaps even Google Images?


<edit> P.S. The window to manually add a new entry after clicking on "add" comes back up as a manual entry window, the same as the one that I just used. It would be useful to add a button for "new search" to this window. At present, I close the window and then click on the "+" button on the main window. I may have missed something, but that is the way I am doing it at present.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:36 am
by Conor
The search order can be configured in the preference pane under the search sites tab; drag and drop the sites into the order that you would like DVDpedia to try the searches.

Thank you for the feedback on creating a way to add new covers for the movies easier. We hope to be able to extend out plug-in support in the future to make the addition of other search sites easier, so that you can build your own search plug-ins for sites like the NYTimes.

We are changing the behaviour of the add manual window so it makes slightly more sense in a next release.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:23 pm
by Ronin

Thank you for pointing out how to order the search...I think I must be spending too much time on *!X?* (M$) boxes lately. I was looking for yet another menu item. Drag and very convenient, and 'Mac-like'. :-)

Thanks for a great piece of software!
