pedia install links?

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pedia install links?

Post by DreamStatic »


I was designing an export template and thought it would be neat for my father if I was able to include a direct link to my dcard exports. So I got to thinking, it would be even cooler if it would auto install like the items on the Extras page does here on

Like this example:

Code: Select all

Would it be possible to have a link in an export template like:

Code: Select all

Which would auto switch to DVDpedia and download and install the dcard? This would be SUPER sweet for my family. That way only one of us has to do the work. The others could merely browse my collection and find the movies they also own, hit the "Download dcard" link and BAM! auto installed. Or actually, have it act just like it does when you drag and drop a dcard on DVDpedia.

What do you think?

Oh, and while I am on this subject, would it be possible to have an export for strictly zipping and exporting dcards? I know I can drag and drop, but then I have to go and zip each item. Be quicker if it was built-in. Don't know what that would take, but would be handier and smoother. Heck be nice if when you select your HTML template there was also a checkbox to export dcards or not. Then when you export it would create a dcard folder just like it does now with images.

Might be possible to implement a [Key:dcardLink] tag if it was implemented as described above.

Goodness, I am always thinking of stuff for you to do, hehe.

Thanks for always listening and improving an already sweet set of apps. Have a great evening.

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Post by Conor »

This is actually a very good idea, at least I think so. And we have it on our list, I am truly hoping to have the new version somewhere near beta soon to start playing with all these ideas. But I want it to be a bit smarter and also figure out when the URL is not loaded just like iTunes manages to do, since this would avoid users that are not familiar with DVDpedia getting confused by the link when they visit your page. You get Windows users visiting your DVD page wondering why the link does not work. ;)
Addicted to Bruji
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Post by DreamStatic »

Thanks for the speedy reply (as always :))

Yea a

Code: Select all

"<!--IFdcardLink ...etc... ENDdcardLink-->"
would make the most sense. So if you didn't have a dcard loaded for that movie it wouldn't appear.

Although in your example, I think you are meaning a more advanced meaning. Such as a way for the webpage to decipher operating system and then not appear at all. That would be pretty dang spiffy. Conor you go with your "badself", hehe. :)

Can't wait for the new stuff. Although the current app ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work pedia gurus. :) Thanks.

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