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Movie Artwork in DVDpedia and Wikipedia support!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:12 pm
by gryphonent
I hate it when my artworks a) don't match or b) show some DVD cover shot or mock-up and not the original movie poster. I have stopped using the "download cover art for selection" function for this very reason. I assume the function, though it is stated nowhere, does retrieve artwork from and IMDB.

I have found both and to provide much better artwork. Especially Wikipedia is terrific as it adheres to the original movie artwork. And the information on a movie is fantastic and much more professional than those lame IMDB reviews.

So, may I pop the question: when do we get Wikipedia support in DVDpedia?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:19 pm
by druid
Artworks: use Google Image to get the widest range of choices.

Reviews: yes, Wikipedia reviews are better but some times quite long. Maybe just the top paragraph, followed by a URL link?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:05 am
by gryphonent
I try Google Image as well. Or However, they can bring up a lot of false results and I was thinking in terms of a plug-in for the Pedias.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:58 pm
by drjohncmac
I use DVDPedia for a movie catalog system ... not a DVD catalog system (contrary to what its name implies). I currently have over 5,000 entries (3,500+ Laserdiscs plus HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.) I prefer the original movie poster artwork when possible to the "garish" DVD labeling.

I ordinarily go directly to Wikipedia and search for a movie poster for new movies added. Out of the 5,000+ entrys only a couple of hundred have DVD (or VHS in the case of "Song of the South") labels.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:41 am
by gryphonent
I too like the original artwork much more than the ones they produce for DVDs... with gigantic faces of the stars in the foreground. Therefore Wikipedia has become my artwork source of choice.