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Display name of alternate instances of Bookpedia

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:15 pm
by cooker2
It's good to be able to create separate libraries of Bookpedia, altho opening alternate libraries is a little awkward. I would like to see the Name of the alternate library displayed, so I can tell at a glance which library I have open.

Right now, no matter which library is open, it merely says "Bookpedia" at the top. If I open a Library named Main, Catalog or David or Electronic, I would like to see Main, Catalog, David or Electronic or whatever the library name is displayed at the top of the screen ... or Bookpedia - Catalog, Bookpedia - David, etc.

It isn't necessarily immediately apparent to me what library I have open, and if I leave it open, as I often do as I surf, I can wind up putting entries in wrong library -- get interrupted, distractetd, whatever.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:33 am
by Nora
Thanks for the feature request.