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More details for individual tracks in CDpedia

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:20 pm
by hswt86
First let me say I really like DVDedia and Bookpedia. I have checked out CDpedia on serveral occasions as I have an extensive music collection I would like to catologue. Unfortunately CDpedia doesn't allow most of the details that I would like to include in my CD catologing. Specifically, I listen to mostly Jazz and would like the ability to list the personnel and instruments played on both an album wide and individual track level. I would also like to be able to search using this info. For example: I could search Michael Brecker which would display all tracks on which he plays, whether as a leader or as a guest artist on someone elses CD.
I have searched high and low for CD catologing software that would allow me to do this and only found one called MyMusic. Unfortunately, they seem to have gone out of business before I could purchase it (plus, unlike your programs, it was not very pretty to look at).
Anyway even if these features can't be implemented into CDpedia keep up the good work.