Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

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Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by DreadArkive »

Just started using Gamepedia and love it. One thing I would love to see is an addition of finding other various game formats (CCGs, board games, etc) to further expand on the capabilities of archiving a massive game collection. Any chance of such a feature or pedia in the future?
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by Conor »

We would like to expand Gamepedia in that direction, but it will take some time to make it flexible enough to do that as the formats are so different.
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by nbast »

I am also very interested in a version that would accommodate board games. I have several hundred in my collection.
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by Midori »

Yay, a boardgamepedia :) I am totally in favour of the idea (700+ games for our club, and no time / concentration / ... to program anything those days, being pregnant and tired)

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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the feedback. We are still trying to figure out how to map the fields into Gamepedia as well as finding a good source of information. But it's a common request and users have even turned to adding them manually as this user has done.
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by nbast »

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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by DreadArkive »

Huzzah, you guys noticed my video! Hope you liked it, even as basic a summary as it was.
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by Conor »

Excellent video., thank you for creating it. There so much to Gamepedia that to cover it all in a video would be a feature length movie. :) I had not realized that you were the original poster about board games plug-in.
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Re: Gamepedia expansion or new pedia idea

Post by Vpo »

Same for me. I am also in favor of a boardgame pedia version!

Indeed is THE source of info.
Another very reliable one in french is


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