Problem with iSight?

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Problem with iSight?

Post by MarcoGT »

Hello all,

I have just discovered Bookpedia, wonderful app;

just a question; why doesn't isight work with all books?

Red rows on screen don't always become green with all the book?

Is it my fault?


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Re: Problem with iSight?

Post by Conor »

Hi Marco, it should work with all books. Don't try to scan the extension code (the smaller barcode on the side), just the main code is what needs to fit the bars. The bars are a guideline, try moving in out a bit to get the ideal distance.
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Re: Problem with iSight?

Post by rqc »

I have the same problem. I just found Bookpedia (right before buying DL2) and am testing it. I like it better but there are books that won't scan no matter how I position the barcode. Some books have extra bars to the left, some have extra bars to the right, some have all three, and some just have the ISBN.

No matter how I hold some books or how much light I put on it, whether I have the barcode close enough that if fills entire width of the red grid or start to back off so just the left side of the ISBN is being caught, trying to not get the code to the left, some books just won't trigger the green bars. (I'd loved to see a video or some kind of printed template that showed how we supposed to handle these variations.)

What's maddening is some other books get recognized with little or no effort. The size of the barcode or whether there are surrounding barcodes doesn't seem to matter - some books just work and others make me think the program is ignoring the camera image.

Any ideas? I'll scan pictures of ones that work and ones that don't if it helps. Some books seem to have two ISBN numbers on the back also, a -10 and a -13 number.

MacBook Pro (Model Identifier MacBookPro2,1), Leopard 10.5.3.

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Re: Problem with iSight?

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the detailed description, as mentioned above be sure not to try to scan the supplemental barcodes to the side of the main barcode. Also mass market paperbacks have a 12 digit UPC instead of a 13 digit EAN, in these books you will find the EAN printed inside the front cover of the book for scanning. Do email us some images of the books that don't work as it will give us a better idea what needs tweaking.
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Re: Problem with iSight?

Post by Howard »

This really needs a fix. I bought the product nearly a year ago and the iSight scanning still does not work with any current version or beta, in fact it got worse for my 2006 MBPro. I know from the demo of Booxter that this function can work perfectly. Using the demo, I can scan in every book I try in about 3 seconds. My hit rate with BPedia and iSight is about 10%. Great product, I prefer it to Booxter and do not feel like shelling out more money, but I do not touch type and have hundreds of books to enter (and this problem has kept me from considering purchase of DVD/CDPedia of which I also have hundreds).

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