iPhone App with Camera tie-in

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iPhone App with Camera tie-in

Post by naevity »

I've been testing out DVD'Pedia, and I have to say, I really like it. With the iPhone SDK coming out, I really think a killer app from you would be a mini version of the pedia library, BUT, integrate use of the iPhone Camera (if you can do that) and mini iSight Scanning.

I think it would be absolutely awesome to go to a used bookstore or book sale with my iPhone, and scan in any book I was interested in to check if I had it.

I would keep the app small, just thumbnails of the covers and ISBN numbers, the main feature would be scanning ability.

I'm not sure if it's possible, but that would be awesome.
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Re: iPhone App with Camera tie-in

Post by TheMatador »

today I found this. very intresting iphone app, coming soon.
what it is about is, you can make a picture from any dvd-cover, it send it to a server, analyses the picture, sends you (via email) infos about that movie and links to the soundtrack in itunes store and to the trailer on youtube. it's pretty awesome :).

I think the possibilities what you can do are just incredible :).
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