First, the program cannot overwrite it's backup file (at least on my system). My backup file 'dvdpedia' is located in the folder '~/Documents'. If I select the same destination for a new backup, the program asks if it should overwrite the file - if I answer yes it goes on to build the backup file and then produces an error message ("Das Programm konnte kein Archiv ihres Datenordners erstellen...."). If I delete the old file before I backup again everything works fine.
So the process is: Click button 'Export', select option 'Backup', click 'export', select same file as last time, confirm overwriting of existing file, wait while program builds backup file, get error message. (I'm using DVDpedia 3.4.3/3.4.4 under OS X 10.4.9 on a Powerbook G4. DVDpedia is located in a folder called programs/media.)
Furthermore the German locilasiation is faulty/incomplete in some places:
- The text on the option page for FTP-export tells you to select an HTML-export and then return to the .Mac (instead of FTP) option page
- If you start the FTP-export an incomplete Message appears: "Dateien im Ordner <XY> werden"... was?
- If you select "Datei neu bauen" (which sounds a bit odd - I think "Datenbank neu erstellen" sounds better and would be closer to the English "rebuild database") another incomplete Message tells you "<n> Dateien werden für das richtige"... was geschieht denn mit den Dateien?

- In the message displayed while exporting to HTML the word "Film" is written "film" (F has to be a capital letter).
And the last one is perhaps more of a feature request: I really liked the ability to link a movie to a pedia entry and the ability to start it from the fullscreen mode (since I have collected trailers to most of my DVDs on my harddisk). But I spent some time getting things to work (in spite of the very simple and elegant way it is implemented) because the program does not recognize .divx-files als movies. I had to rename them to .avi would be nice if the program could recognise all files marked as to be opened with Quicktime as movies, at least you could clarify things in the help text (where only the term "movie files" is used).
All in all I really like your programm and I mention theese nitpicks only to help you to get closer to perfection

Great work!
(Edited because of a mix-up in my description of the faulty german text)