Users on our computer

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Users on our computer

Post by Eliakim »


I just purchased Bookpedia and have started cataloging some of our books. Now..., our family is using one of our computers, where we have four different accounts for each person to use for themselves. I decided to put the Bookpedia information on an external hard drive that is permanently connected. I figured that each person could access this from the external hard drive and do whatever additions that they wanted and it would also show up for the other users.

So..., I presume it will work just fine this way, in simply copying the database folder to a different hard drive and that it will not result in any problems.

Let me know if there is any problems in doing this moving (copying) the entire database folder over to the external hard drive. I started adding a few books, and then, later, copied the entire folder to the external drive and then deleted the original folder on my personal account. And then I pointed the program to the external hard drive upon startup (of the program), using the option key.

However, another issue popped up with this usage of the program. Even though I did add the registration information to the program on my administrator account, it does not seem to be functioning as a "registered program" on the other users' accounts. Is there something that I didn't do right, in order to get the other users using the proper and registered program? I know on other programs that I've registered that I've seen a "choice" where one can register it for *all users* on the computer.

AND, after those questions above, is there *any* other way to have a "central folder" that all users on our machine can use and add and/or modify information for all our books? Is there a way to do that other than putting the database folder on an external hard drive? Can it be done by putting the folder in any other area on the internal (and startup) drive?

Thanks for the help...
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Post by Conor »


You are correct in everything you said. Copying the database folder to the external hard drive and pointing each user's DVDpedia to that location will let you use the same data across different users. This can be done on the internal hard drive by placing the data in a location all users have read and write access to; the most logical place is the "Shared" user folder.

As for registering it across all users you could do it manually, registering DVDpedia for each user; but as the administrator of the computer move your DVDpedia preference file from your home folder ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist to your hard drive's root /Library/Preferences/com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist this will share your registration informaiton accross all users. (An added advantage is that DVDpedia's preference will also point to where you moved the data without having to hold down option while launching DVDpedia for each user. The user's local preferences will take precedence over the global one, so if you ran DVDpedia in other accounts already you will still have to launch with option once.)

While Time Machine arrives make sure to make a copy of the DVDpedia data folder every once in a while as backup; this should be common practice in all cases but seems even more important with multiple users.
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