With the release of macOS 15.0 Sequoia you must do the following to enable sync'ing between macOS and Pocketpedia:
To allow or revoke Pocketpedia app's access to your local network on a Mac, you do the following:
1. Select the Apple menu, then System Settings
2. Click Privacy & Security in the sidebar
3. Click Local Network
4. Turn the ability to access your local network on or off for each app listed
iDevice to Mac.
So in this case you need to initiate this from your Mac not your iDevice.
First thing to do is ensure your iDevice is talking to your Mac.
On all your iDevices visit “Settings” and then look for “Pocketpedia”. There will be a "local network” access checkbox make sure it’s checked so that Pocketpedia has access to receive data on the local network. You might have to relaunch Pocketpedia by swiping up in the app picker, that is initiated by swiping up from the bottom edge of the screen.
Now carry out the following:
1 - Connect your iDevice to your Mac
2 - Open Pocketpedia on your iDevice
3 - Ensure you are in the Collections screen as indicated in the left hand column
4 - Open the relevant Pedia on your Mac
5 - On your Mac hold the Option key click on the Help menu and this will open a hidden menu
6 - Select Pocketpedia (NOT Export for Pocketpedia)
7 - Select Import and follow the instructions
8 - Once the Synchronisation and Merging has finished as indicated on your iDevice, then you can close the function selection panel on your Mac
9 - Repeat for each Pedia
This will bring your data base over from your iDevice. Be patient as it may take a while.
Do not Quit the two apps or turn off your Mac or iDevice during this procedure.
Also have a read of this article: Pedia Maintenance Practices
And as well as the relevant pedia Help articles: MenuBar > Help > *****pedia Help > Overview then at the bottom of left hand index column: On your iPhone / iPad Pocketpedia 3
NOTE: When posting in the forum please state what pedia/s is involved, pedia version number and what macOS and or iOS version number. Always ensure you have installed the latest version of all OS's and pedia/s.
Hope you find these Tips & Hints helpful