Talk about muscle memory…

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Talk about muscle memory…

Post by marksealey »

… mine - and the way I automatically slip the caret/cursor to the top right in the Pedias in order to Edit.

Without it, would I have noticed that the tools in the toolbar are no longer at the left - but the centre? Maybe.

The tools' position has changed, hasn't it - in version 6.1.0?

Is there any way to get them back to the left of the window, please?

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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by FineWine »

Menu Bar > View > Customise Toolbar...
Right click on any grey area on the Toolbar > Customise Toolbar
Drag and drop from the panel or/and drag and move any icon/s, spaces & flexible spaces to your hearts content

Just remember the Toolbar is really there for your MOST OFTEN used functions

The file location that stores these settings and all other Preference settings is: ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.******pedia.plist So if you run Time Machine you can restore a previous version. A plist file is very rarely modified by a new app version.

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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by marksealey »

Thanks, FineWine - Yes, I can customize it to my heart's content :-)

My apologies for not being clearer.

But I believe that the alignment of previous sets of tools in the Toolbar was always hard left. Now it it centred and I can't see any way - except padding with multiple fixed spaces at the right (!) - to get it back to the left…
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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by FineWine »

Try resetting the Preferences settings file. To do this:

1 - Ensure the Pedia is fully Quit
2 - Goto ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.******pedia.plist
3 - Drag that file to the Desktop
4 - Restart the Pedia - this file will automatically be recreated
5 - You can Bin the old file now from the Desktop

This will now reset ALL preferences to their default settings, so unfortunately you will need to redo them to your liking, including how you want the Toolbar to look.

OR you could restore your Preference file using a version prior to your latest Pedia update by using Time Machine. (You do have computer backups :?: )
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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by marksealey »

Thanks again, FineWine!

My apologies again for failing to explain what the problem is :-(
…including how you want the Toolbar to look…
It's not the elements of the Toolbar etc that I need to customise.

Something appears to have changed (in a recent version of CDPedia?) which means that - however I configure it by recreating my Prefs as you kindly suggest (thanks!) - the entire collection of (arranged and customized by me) tool icons always appears - as a whole - in the wrong (right hand side of the bar as opposed to its left) place :(
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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by FineWine »

I can only suggest two things:

1 - you call up the Customise Toolbar panel and hover and click and hold your mouse over the various grey areas in the toolbar and try and drag the invisible spaces out.

2 - It is always good protocol to do some house cleaning every once in a while here are some maintenance tasks you could try.

Regular visitors to these forums will know I am big on the following:

1 - When I am updating App's to a new WHOLE number version or upgrading to a new OS version, or I know that there has been a major rewrite of the App such as with the case of all the pedia's for 64 bit technology and Apple's new OS 11.0.0 Big Sur, I do a complete uninstall of the old version prior to update. I achieve this by using a FREE program called AppCleaner which you can download from here. On using this App place a check mark IN ALL the boxes EXCEPT: ~/Library/Application Support/*****pedia , which is the second line down from the top. This is where your data base is located. Ensure that is NOT ticked. You will loose your Preference settings though but they only take a couple of minutes to redo. ONLY DOWNLOAD THE VERSION FOR YOUR macOS

2 - These are the Folders and Files that should be in ~/Library/Application Support/*****pedia/ .



The above entries in blue are Folders do not delete them or their contents.

AND of course do not delete: Database.*****pd OR Pocketpedia.*****pd

NOTE: ***** represents the particular pedia - Book, DVD, CD or Game

The Files with the suffix; .shm & .wal can be deleted as they are changed and recreated automatically again on each starting up of your pedia. You can think of them as a temporary index cache files. The Database and Backup files are self explanatory so not advisable to delete those. The .xml are again a type of index file for your autofill fields and are important so do not delete those two. You can clean these up to some extend within each Pedia's Preferences > Autofill.

3 - There is also one other thing you can do and that is to use, what I call a "Grease & Oil Change" maintenance program called Onyx. This is a FREE program that is a multifunction utility that you can use to verify the structure of the system files, to run miscellaneous maintenance and cleaning tasks, to configure parameters in the Finder, Dock, Safari, and some of Apple's applications, to delete caches, to remove certain problematic folders and files, to rebuild various databases and indexes, and more. I always use it prior and post system OS updates and about once a month. Also especially in this case concerning the new macOS 11.0.* Big Sur.

This program is available here: Titanium Software - Onyx. ONLY DOWNLOAD THE VERSION FOR YOUR macOS

It is available in many languages and is regularly updated (about once a month).

4 - Also there are some hidden menu tasks that you can perform: 'hold down the option key and click on the main Help menu in each program once and select - each in turn: 'Verify Database', 'Remove Orphaned Covers' and 'Clean Duplicates in Fields' these may not solve your problems but it wont hurt either.

5 - And finally if your particular pedia is actually crashing do check for the Crash Logs. You can find the relevant logs in your Home folder under: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/

Send them to Bruji Support:

AND of course always carry out a general machine BACKUP first. Remember that all the pedia's also have the ability to create individual data base backups: File > Export Collection > Backup > Location of your choice

Hope you find these Tips & Hints helpful :D
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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by marksealey »

Thanks again, FineWine, for that comprehensive set of maintenance and troubleshooting instructions!

All experimented with (I use Onyx and EtreCheck regularly).

Nothing has changed, though, unfortunately.

The Toolbar has somehow been set to align right - and nothing I can do changes that :-(

The same applies to BookPedia etc.

I'll contact Conor.

Once again, your help much appreciated :-) Take care…
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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by FineWine »

Mmmm big mystery. Yes contact Conor.

Love to have feedback when you solve this issue.

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Re: Talk about muscle memory…

Post by marksealey »

Have heard from Conor: it's to be fixed in an upcoming release…Big Sur bug.

Always such fantastic service!

Thanks :-)
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