Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

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Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

macOS Mojave 10.14.4
Bookpedia 5.9.2 Beta 126
DVDpedia 5.9.2 Beta 125


As you can see the Text only on several of the Toolbar buttons is greyed out and not bold black, whilst the actual icon is still bold black. You can still click on them to carry out the task for the relevant entry.

Whilst researching this, DVDpedia crashed. Have sent you the report.
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

Via email correspondence concerning a bug in the Special Doghouse Moderator Only versions of the pedia app's, Conor informed me he "will focus on the focus bug (pun intended) before the next release."

Thanks Conor :D
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the bug report as usual.

Should be fixed in beta 5.9.3 build 130 of any of the apps.
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

Thank you conor - alls good now :D
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

Oop's :oops: spoke to soon - Conor this is becoming an intermittent bug in Bookpedia 5.9.3 build 130 which I can not seem to replicate on demand, it is just so random.

But all good in DVDpedia 5.9.3 build 130 0 I think :?:

But after a few deliberate Opening & Quitting of both DVD & Bookpedia have noticed that the icons & text of the affected buttons in the original post image are the last to be 'Painted' eg. The 'Add' & 'View' buttons icon & text are just there on Opening but there is a very discernable delay with the 'Delete' & 'Edit' buttons icon & text being 'Painted'.

This slowness in being 'Painted' also applies to the 'Details' view Styles (default & personal), which are even slower than the Toolbar buttons. It is the last area to be painted.

All of this slowness never used to be there. Everything was just instantaneously there on opening.

Hope I am not being tooooo pedantic here :oops:
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by Conor »

The fix is not ideal. I am actually delaying the painting and refreshing by .05 of a second. It was not a problem before, when application finished launching set up the toolbar. But now the window is ready, but the table is not ready and hence it never hooks up properly to the selection and data. Apple changed the order that the window is loaded or data with 10.14.4 and this started occuring. I have a feeling is related to the new toolbar style with no text and the close/minimize button on the left hand side (that Pedias don't use but are becoming popular).

I have a bug open with Apple, see if they fix it or if they give me a better work around. Some kind of notification that I can get to refresh faster without having to make it a big delay (the delay is large in order to account for slower systems, that might not be ready).

Having to explain it made me think of another solution. Try beta 131, should be better about the toolbar.

I like pedantic, it's the details that matter. Normally I am pedantic myself, but I am 10.13 and don't yet experience it. But the plan is to get on 10.14 as everybody and then I'll be better with 10.14 bugs as I won't have to change machines for testing. Also to catch up to the look and feel.
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

Conor wrote:Having to explain it made me think of another solution. Try beta 131, should be better about the toolbar.
No noticeable difference in loading & painting.
Conor wrote:I like pedantic, it's the details that matter. Normally I am pedantic myself, but I am 10.13 and don't yet experience it. But the plan is to get on 10.14 as everybody and then I'll be better with 10.14 bugs as I won't have to change machines for testing. Also to catch up to the look and feel.
This inforced migration from 32bit to 64bit, though welcome, is becoming quite the PITA for you developers - we all take our hats off to your perseverance.
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by Conor »

:D Wait until they don't support Objective-C anymore and everybody has to write Swift. That will be a tough migration. :o
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Re: Text on Toolbar Buttons loosing focus

Post by FineWine »

Working in 6.0.1 on Catalina 10.15.1.
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