Scan to Borrow

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Scan to Borrow

Post by mr_reillyb »

One of the most handy features of all the pedia's is the barcode scanner integration when adding a title.
Is it possible in a future update (if it isn't already there and I'm over looking it) to be able to scan a title out when it is being borrowed? I think this would make it alot faster and easier when people are borrowing a bunch of DVD's.

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Re: Scan to Borrow

Post by Conor »

Thanks for the feedback, it's a feature we would like to work in. In the meantime if you happen to have a bluetooth scanner paired with DVDpedia and the add windows are not open, then a scan will filter your library leaving command-shift-B keyboard shortcut the only step left to borrow the book.
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Re: Scan to Borrow

Post by teacher24_70 »

I've wanted something similar to this, but slightly different. I want to be able to assign all of my books a custom field for my self-created barcodes. For example, I have a labeling program that can create labels containing text (could be Title, Author, collection ID, etc.) and a barcode that can be created and incrementally increased for each label.

I could set it up so that the barcode matched the collection ID number. I'd then like to be able to simply scan the book to search it out in Bookpedia. SImilar to what they do in a library when you checkout. This could possibly work if the pull-down search field could have other options of individual fields (custom fields) instead of ALL fields or the current limited fields.

By the way, I use a modified CueCat, so the bluetooth method wouldn't work for me.

I'm not sure if this makes sense or not. Basically, I could export the Bookpedia database into a CSV file, import that into my labeling program, and then print a special label for each book. Ideally, would be an option to have Bookpedia do a specific task for each "scan-searched" book within a single session. Either mark all scanned (within that session) books as borrowed, add all scanned books to a new collection, change location for all scanned books, etc

(By the way, I can't simply use the ISBN barcode, because many of my books aren't searchable by the ISBN. They're either purchased through Scholastic which doesn't match Amazon's ISBN or they simply don't have an iSBN barcode on the book itself. This is why I've wanted to come up with a method to create my own for each book.)
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